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Roux bee

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  1. Apologies I’ve not been replying. There not been much of a development. It has not yet been booked but he seems intent on planning on it but did express he feel no matter the decision he feels he will disappoint someone. I expressed that I feel there is a boundary that which crossed where will the line be then? Which he has acknowledged. He claimed the friend said about me coming but he told her I’d not have the money. He’s a protective person so I feel he may just be saying this. He said I could still go as not booked but said this in a rather exasperated way therefore I’d feel awkward like I’m imposing. I think we will just have to see how it plays out. He did for future reference he will include me in their plans so I can meet her properly. I don’t really know what to think/feel as still hurting at the moment.
  2. His boy mostly lives with his mum. The friend has not been married or had kids. As far as I’m aware she’s not been in a relationship while friends with my man. He has been before me though while they’ve been friends. I don’t believe he has any interest in her that way at all so I’m not worried about his side of it in terms of that.
  3. I do wonder if she still just wants her friend back to herself. They’ve been on holidays in the past so not as if she’s missing out. I feel if she really cared about him she’d have offered to lend us the money and between us we’d have paid her back in a few months. But I know how that would go down if I suggested she had any ill intention
  4. Me and his son do have a relationship as he stays here often Id have loved to have gone with them both so I’m just gutted really it’s hard to tell if I’m being reasonable or just jealous/petty
  5. To add we have been together for a year and a half but dating for a few months beforehand and already knew of each other. He moved in after a few months it was quite quick. When we first got together she seemed to have a big problem with him dating me but it was explained to be that she felt like she was going to lose her friend. I feel terrible as I know my man is in an awkward position as whatever decisions he makes it will disappoint someone. I did suggest he took him on his own but it was dismissed. But I think he’s just not confident to. I suppose we are both just in an awkward position and the situation should have been handled more carefully leading up to it
  6. Yes sorry it meant to say she isn’t his son’s mother just a friend of his father
  7. Thank you for the replies so far. Quite mixed responses. For those asking no she is not his son’s mother but they get on well.
  8. Looking for some advice. I’m female (30) and my boyfriend (31) who I live with has a female best friend (29) he has been friends with for years and as far as I’m aware it’s been nothing more I’ve briefly met her a couple times but not properly. He promised his little boy who is 8 that he would take him on holiday this year and we haven’t had the funds. As he has been out of work through illness and I've paid for most things She has offered to take them away and he has accepted saying it’s a free holiday abroad and his son comes first which I understand But I have felt hurt as said why couldn’t I be invited and I could have scraped together the funds for me. He said I could have but he doesn’t see how I’d have the money. I feel I should have been considered in the first instance and feel uncomfortable his going away with her and makes me feel perhaps I should end the relationship. Am I being completely unreasonable?
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