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  1. My kids said they would put kids in daycare and I wouldn't have to care for them, I choose to. I had no connection with my grandparents and I want better for them. I'm unable to work , so I live with my son and grandkids...I love being with them all the time and being so close to them, but the oldest is already starting school and soon they will be grown too and I'll be even more alone...I'm just trying to weigh my options and get feed back , it's nothing that will happen right away
  2. He has some physical traits I find attractive, and part of why I put this here is because I am confused if I'm thinking about doing this cause I am lonely or do I really like him and want this...
  3. He wanted to come visit a few times but I wasn't ready, so now I told him we will visit back and forth for awhile and see...
  4. I told him from the jump that I was not interested in a relationship. Wasn't sure if I ever wanted none again . He said that was fine and would still be a friend if I wanted. I told him several times I was no where near ready and that he should wait on me and pass up a chance that could be right in front of him. It's only been the last 2 months I've even entertained the idea of a relationship and I let him know even then I wasn't still sure that I would want to see him in person and whatever before I even seriously thought about it.
  5. No I am not paid, I live with them. I had 2 accidents in 10 weeks time in 2015 that left me unable to work. When my husband passed I lost all income I had as well. So I live with my youngest son and grandkids and watch the kids in exchange for "rent and utilities" . Though they would never charge me anyway, but they also pay for all of my needs or whatever...it would be awhile before I go anywhere, I'm just putting it out there for opinions and ideas to help me weigh all my options..
  6. I told him I wanted to visit back and forth for awhile and meet in person before I would move there. He understands and thinks that's a good idea. All the friends I had and said would be there no matter what, basically abandoned me. There was 3 night I was standing on the side of the road, I could here the semi coming and I almost did it. But I couldn't do that to my family it wouldn't be right. And my late husband and I promised each other we would do anything stupid and we would live life and try to be happy so we could honor the other. I had 2 high school friends and a wrong number that turned into a really great friend that was there for me...I live in a very rural area in a town of a out 500 people , I looked for support groups and everything there just isn't any in person ones. I am part of 2 online ones and I have been seeing a counselor since, because I had to do CPR on him and watch EMTs so what they did , as I screamed and begged him to stay. Now I've been diagnosed with PTSD because of nightmares and flashbacks of that night. But I have always been very upfront and told him , I'm a mess and it will take me a long time because it was almost my whole life with my husband, I was 14 , now 51. I told him don't pass up an opportunity that could be there in front of you to wait on me because I'm a mess and broken..he said he is patient and will wait as long as it takes
  7. I told him from the jump that I was not interested in a relationship. Wasn't sure if I ever wanted none again . He said that was fine and would still be a friend if I wanted. I told him several times I was no where near ready and that he should wait on me and pass up a chance that could be right in front of him. It's only been the last 2 months I've even entertained the idea of a relationship and I let him know even then I wasn't still sure that I would want to see him in person and whatever before I even seriously thought about it.
  8. No we have not seen each other in person since 1991...and I did tell him I want to visit back and forth for awhile to see how things are in person before I make a decision. I wouldn't have any assets not sell. He has actually sent me quite a bit of money, without me asking, for things things I need. I had 2 accidents in 10 weeks in 2015 an I'm not able to work, so I have no income while I fight for social security. I live with my youngest son and grandkids , to help them save money I watch the kids. I told him from the jump that I was not interested in a relationship. Wasn't sure if I ever wanted none again . He said that was fine and would still be a friend if I wanted. I told him several times I was no where near ready and that he should wait on me and pass up a chance that could be right in front of him. It's only been the last 2 months I've even entertained the idea of a relationship and I let him know even then I wasn't still sure that I would want to see him in person and whatever before I even seriously thought about it.
  9. No we have not seen each other in person since 1991...and I did tell him I want to visit back and forth for awhile to see how things are in person before I make a decision. I wouldn't have any assets not sell. He has actually sent me quite a bit of money, without me asking, for things things I need. I had 2 accidents in 10 weeks in 2015 an I'm not able to work, so I have no income while I fight for social security. I live with my youngest son and grandkids , to help them save money I watch the kids. I told him from the jump that I was not interested in a relationship. Wasn't sure if I ever wanted none again . He said that was fine and would still be a friend if I wanted. I told him several times I was no where near ready and that he should wait on me and pass up a chance that could be right in front of him. It's only been the last 2 months I've even entertained the idea of a relationship and I let him know even then I wasn't still sure that I would want to see him in person and whatever before I even seriously thought about it.
  10. I told him from the jump that I was not interested in a relationship. Wasn't sure if I ever wanted none again . He said that was fine and would still be a friend if I wanted. I told him several times I was no where near ready and that he should wait on me and pass up a chance that could be right in front of him. It's only been the last 2 months I've even entertained the idea of a relationship and I let him know even then I wasn't still sure that I would want to see him in person and whatever before I even seriously thought about it.
  11. Hello, Sorry it will be long but needed for context...I am a widow of 2 years now. My late husband (51) and I (51) had started our relationship when I was 14 and he was 15. We had 35 amazing years we were true soul mates, 2 people who seemed to share one soul, 2 amazing boys and I am expecting our 4th grandchild in September. As most couples do we had discussed it several times that we would want the other one to go on and be happy and live life to the fullest when they was ready. Quite a few high school friends reached out with condolences and everything afterwards, But 1 of them was true to their word and was there for me on some very very dark nights.. he would chat with me and talk me through it and talk about my late husband with much respect. Well about the year mark he said he had a confession...he told me that even in highschool he had a crush and feelings for me but because I was with my husband he never said anything...he told me he knows he could never take my late husbands place, but want to build a new and to add to the love we had. I told him, that I didn't know if I wanted to have another relationship or anything and I didn't quite feel ready yet, that I felt like it would be breaking my vows . He said he understood and would leave me alone, I said no I still wanted to talk to him and everything I was just not ready for that. He lives in another state and we have just been chatting and talking off and on over the last year. I was seeing a counselor and everything, as the year went on we got kind of close but nothing big, and to shorten this some, I developed what I call a very deep caring friendship romance... So I asked how would this work we live in opposite states , I don't want you to leave your job, sell your house come here and it not work, best scenario would be for me to go there. BUT I am the sole caregiver to grandkids while parents are at work, my oldest grandson (4 in Aug) his parents split just a month before my husband passed. So the poor boy has had a lot to deal with in 2 yrs, he has 2 new siblings, moms BF (who over steps and tries to control everything), dad's GF, loosing his grandpa, and they was inseparable from day one, they was each other's whole world. I have lived with him his whole life and been there.Do I dare do this and maybe upset the whole family? I told him I would come for a couple visits first to see, but I don't want to leave my grandkids with nobody to watch them, my mom is in her mid 80s ...Am I selfish for wanting this? I'm lonely and I know he would treat me very very well and I can tell he cares for me very deeply. It's less than half a days drive back and forth but what do I do?
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