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  1. He has actually been quite lovely since he joined back. Definitely more open than he was before. I understand that one month is really not enough time to get to know someone. And I guess, I’ve seen him at his lowest, so nothing but better from here. Obviously, it’s difficult to get rid of the thought whether he’ll repeat it or not. But I think I’ll give it another try. Thank you so much for your help everyone. Much appreciated!
  2. His uncle was shot twice and brought to our hospital. He was brought dead. The trauma surgeon contacted him(he’s an orthopaedic resident) and told him about the whole situation. He did inform that he would be gone, just no one knew it would be for a month. To answer your other question about my contact info, I was actually in my intern year completing my rotations in every department. So, all his fellow residents had my contact info and knew about us. Also, I’ve seen many doctors have a breakdown, especially during residency. There are so many factors. The overwhelming pressure, someone’s life depends on you, your seniors dumping their attitude on you. Since I’m about to start my residency, you never know, I may also have a breakdown at some point.
  3. I’m sorry you feel that way. It’s just that when he didn’t turn up for work, the resident gave me a call and asked me if I knew something about it. At that time he still was in touch with me. I also received calls from his friends asking if I knew he was okay or not. That’s when I realised he wasn’t speaking to any of them since one week. On the other hand, he was still talking to me, telling me just a little bit about his situation. So, I kind of felt responsible. I just thought that if he’s not talking to his friends, I should be there for him. I was just concerned. Wasn’t trying to come on to anyone.
  4. That is only thing I’m worried about actually. When I confronted him about it, he said that there might be some other mistakes, but there will never be a communication error like this again. I've practically discussed all the outcomes with him. You know, like what happens when he stops his medication. I’ve told him that I don’t want to be with a mentally weak person. He replied by saying that he’s working on it and he’s not going to repeat at least this again in the future. Trust issues have come up now, so it’s hard to believe him. But I don’t know why, after listening to his side of things, I’m finding it harder to just end things also
  5. It was just finishing my shift that day when he asked me out. He said he’d be free by 8. All we talked about that night was our mutual love for thriller movies. We went to his place that night and we both just dozed off(we both had had a heavy shift at the hospital) We used to meet almost every alternate day(provided no one was on the night shift). I just never felt awkward around him. We used to talk about our patients, other hospital stuff, family, friends. Both our friend circles knew about what was going on. Honestly speaking it was an amazing month before I had to move. I do plan on going back and doing my residency after a month, so the distance factor will be eliminated.
  6. Hi! So, I met this guy, who is really sweet. We have a lot of things in common too. We had a great one month together. After that, I had to move back home for a few months, so we were doing long distance. One thing I noticed before was that he is a very bad texter, but chose to ignore it, since we’re both doctors and have busy schedules. Anyway, after about two weeks, there was a death in his family. I immediately noticed a change in his behaviour. Messages and calls were down to a minimum. I did my best to comfort him. After a few more days, he stopped replying completely. I dropped him a heartfelt message that if he wants a break, just tell me. I called him. No answer. This happened for about a month. I was devastated. It was difficult. In my mind, it was over. But after a month, he contacted me again….he wrote a whole explanation about how he was depressed, after the death. He had cut himself off of all friends and family. Was just locked in a room. But now he’s on medication and feeling better. He apologised for a week and I ignored him. After a week I finally talked to him to tell him this was over. But after listening to his explanation and his meek voice, I couldn’t. So I told him I’d think about it. It’s been another month after that, and he’s has been sending sweet texts everyday. He’s been calling almost everyday too. I have to admit, I have had long talks with him about the ‘good old times’ I’m really confused now. I’m worried people are going to think I’m a joke if I accept him back. But I’m also worried I met be letting a great guy go. What if he does something like this again? I mean, he’s an obvious flight risk.
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