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  1. me and my ex girlfriend broke up a month ago and the pain is just keep getting worse, reason for our breakup was i accidentally found out that she wants to explore girls i really wanted her to stay but she broke up with me. i knew she was bi or les because she told me once that we were hanging out that she is attracted to girls and when it comes to guys i am an exception but when i came through that post of her i brought it up and told her whats the meaning of that because wanting to explore girls = she doesn't see me in her future or she doesn't love me anymore when that happened she ghosted me for 2 weeks and dumped me. and i really feel like i made a mistake by telling her that if she really loves me she would not want something else we she said it would be the best option if we broke up and we did and an hour later i reached out to her that it would be cool if we work on this but after 2 days after that she ghosted me for 2 weeks and told me we cant be together anymore i had a crush on her since elementary and liked each other on pandemic and stopped talking because i was a mess and the fate reunited us in senior high school together it was like a dream come true, we are each other's first time, she's my first girlfriend, and i was her first boyfriend first kiss and first everything. i know this might sound stupid but there's times i hope that i never brought that post of hers but that would make me a stupid fool and our relationship might be kinda forced? but there's also times that i accidentally came through that post for a reason. how do i get rid of this pain? i tried working out but after that im just missing her tried journaling but still i miss her and i'm getting tempted to tell her that i miss her but she probably doesn't care because when we broke up when i tried to make her stay she told me that she doesn't care about me anymore and she can't get herself to hate me because she just doesn't care anymore. this is my first breakup this hurts like hell because i keep thinking to myself that where did i go wrong i tried my very best to make her happy i really wanted it to be her. i really hope that she'll comeback someday but it's very likely that she'll not. and im getting tempted to reach her out :((
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