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  1. When we did hookup he was questioning me about who I’ve been with sexually etc. forcing me to tell him if I’ve been with other men or not. when I told him no and or told him it was none of his business he told me I wasn’t being truthful with him ?
  2. I agree. I told someone else about it and they told me that what he did was the common right thing to do ? They told me that of someone blocks you, then you should block them back……
  3. Wouldn’t that be just as childish…
  4. No I blocked him because I wanted nothing to do with him and still don’t. No I don’t want him to contact me at all. I unblocked him for a split second to see if he maybe blocked me back… and I was right.
  5. It was on my public page we’re all of my friends/followers could see. it was more so a self love quote. It wasn’t directed towards him or anyone. Yet he was the only one that commented. I’ve dated other men since him so and those men are on my page.
  6. I agree. Why do you think he did that ? Asking me if I wanted to go to lunch, just to be silent when the day comes. ?
  7. I’m kinda confused how know one sees that what he did warrant him to be blocked… like does know one see a problem with what he did ?
  8. I didn’t think people did that ?? What’s the point
  9. The thing is when he asked me to dinner I responded saying yes I’d like to go. He didn’t even open the message of me saying I wanted to go. He left me on delivered for 4 days and then proceeded to watch all of my social media posts knowing I can see him watching it. If he didn’t want to go out with me he should’ve just kept his mouth shut. I know him, his pride is higher than the Empire State Building. I feel like he just wanted to see if I still wanted him, and if he could still get me to go out with him. It was an ego boost for him.
  10. I’m confused how any of this is my fault ??? Or how I’m the one that’s playing games ???
  11. I don’t think I am … but maybe I’m doing something I’m not realizing? I would love to hear your opinion on how I’m playing games ?
  12. So me and my ex boyfriend have been flirting back and forth for awhile now. We even met up a month ago to hook up. Anyways I posted a quote on my story saying how “I’m hard to forget and how I’m unforgettable” this is how the convo went. Him - yea yea yea Me- you know it Him - mm idk Me - you know you still like/have feelings for me Him- how are you so sure Me - so you don’t Him - I do … Me- and you haven’t done anything about it ? Him- what am I supposed to do? Do you wanna grab dinner on so and so date Me- sure The day comes and it’s completely silent on his end he doesn’t reach out or anything. Yet he was viewing all of my social media stories I was posting that day. I felt disrespected and played so I decided to block him from everything including instagram. The next day I was curious so I unblocked him just to see if he noticed. Come to find out he blocked me back ? Why would he block me back when he’s already blocked? Especially when he’s the reason why he got blocked? I know this is a very juvenile question, and it’s sucks that men in their mid twenties are playing childish kiddy games like this.
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