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  1. I am 19, was in this “prank war” with a girl who I’m kinda into. I stole some stuff of hers, she stole mine, I took her phone and posted some embarrassing things which she approved of and found hilarious. Then, she saw me enter her room (where I did the “next stage — all I did was put a note on her bed); and she decided in response to take my guitar and cut the strings. She instantly felt awful, was almost crying, told me again and again how bad she feels .., is there anyway to read this in terms of how she feels about me or is it irrelevant? see my previous post for more details on other stuff she’s said:
  2. I don’t really know what to make of it, she gave me these crazy compliments, would message me a lot, now just acts normal pretty much. We still talk a lot but only out of necessity when we’re together and need to pass time. Did I not respond strong enough when she was sending signals? So confusing honestly …
  3. Thanks. Helps a lot. And thanks @Batya33 for pointing out we can’t be taking deep all the time … sometimes it’s just casual talk for a long time and that’s ok, right?
  4. I am into her by now. The thing is, we talked really deeply, and I hold back when we talk now as I don’t wanna re-enter deep territory she may not be comfortable with or make it seem like I wanna know every detail of her life. Right now we’re just talking a lot, but often there’s a clear Segway to a deep conversation and I withdraw. What do you think? would it be weird to thank her again for the compliment if it was relevant to the convo? Do people like being thanked that much that it wouldn’t be weird to re-thank her after 2 weeks ?
  5. Another consideration for me is honouring my parents, who absolutely want me to go.
  6. I don’t really know man. I’m just gonna keep talking and see how it goes.
  7. Thank you! I’ll probably still attend university and it’s not that I’m not suited - I did pretty well at school and am a person who loves to read, think and learn. It’s just I was thinking if it’s the best and fastest way to financially progress in life.
  8. Missing info is me asking her out and her saying yes or her asking me out, I don’t think there’s much use trying to read people.
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