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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Hi all, I am newly single as of 3 weeks ago. What are some ways I can really start to love myself? I find my self-worth and value in other people and how they treat me, so having been broken up with, I am struggling to feel any love. I also don't have many close friends and don't know where to meet people, being single and 21 in a college program that is mostly online and living at home with my parents. I desire to be loved by someone, to have someone close and special to me, and I don't know how to not constantly seek that feeling. How do I get over this feeling and desire?
  2. Hello everyone, I'm a senior in college, and me and my girlfriend of 2.5 years broke up 3 weeks ago. Since my freshman year of high school, I've been in relationships and haven't gone longer than 6ish months without having someone as my partner. Now that I am newly single, I find it so hard to just be by myself. I have my family as I live at home, but only one close friend from high school, as well as sometimes talking to my ex, as we are remaining friends for now. I struggle with not always having someone to talk to or communicate with. How do people go throughout months or years with no significant other? How do I even meet people to be friends with during this time? My degree program only has 4 other students in it and the courses are not with the other students. I want to work on myself. I am an introverted person by nature, but I always like to have just that one person I can always count on.
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