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  1. I really need your advice..there are lot of things i have to say and i hope you can take your time to read it..thank you Okay so i met this guy and ever since then we have been talking actually been chatting..i met him at a lesson we both go too..and after the lesson ended we didn't get the chance to meet again cause i have protective parents that don't let me go out We both like each other but we are not dating..and he's a very different guy..he's an introvert who loves being alone..He doesn't live with his parents or family cause of some things that happened so he lives alone.He was around 17 when he started living alone and now he's 18 He takes care of himself..pays every bills himself He's sometimes get suicidal thought because he feels no one needs him..he's useless..and other things like that..so anytime he feels down he talks to me and later on feel better He makes me the happiest when I'm with him and i also do the same to him So something happened recently..it was my birthday so i was allowed to go see my friend and so i decided to go to his place with my friend..i told him to try create chance since he's mostly busy and he said he'd try then my birthday came..and he even forgot it was my birthday until i reminded him and then he sent me a heartfelt message...then later on reminded him about my coming then he later said he was busy that we should postpone it...i got really upset cause he knows i dont get the chance to go out but now i do ..so he should have created the chance..he told me he was sorry but i continued talking dis n dat which made him angry..he ghosted me till the next day..i even called him but he didn't pick my calls then the next day he did and i told him how bad i felt that he did that on my birthday..i.e ignoring me But he told me angrily that if i knew what he has done cause of me i wont be saying all this I'm saying..i asked him what it is..then he said because of me..i got him really angry that made him shout at his mum..talking back at her because she came visiting..i was going to talk back cause i didn't see anything i did wrong but then he said he's going to be staying in the barracks for a week as punishment..actually i didn't mention it..all his family are in the military,both his parents. And he has been there before for two days and he came back with lot of marks on his body..but now it would be for a week.And when i think about it everything happened because of me I felt really really bad..he also said other things that he already has lot of things he's going through and i was busy adding my own..that y cant i just try and understand and that he told me he doesn't believe in love or anything like that..that i should grow up..he said lot of things Before then i sent him a voice note express how i feel but he ignored them..and i couldn't even bring it up cause i felt really guilty for all that happened So now my question is should i just let him go
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