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  1. I don't think it's like that, we live in totally different towns and I don't really have any friends or family here it would be possible to run into. I have lots of awkward and noticeable things about me that make me not have a desire to meet his friends really, I don't even know if he has many friends since he never mentions them and only talks about coworkers. Neither of us uses social media... I also don't think he would feel comfortable introducing me to his religious/homophobic parents and I don't have any interest in letting my family even know about him either, we just aren't that close with our relatives. I know it sounds weirdly secretive but we are just very introverted and private.
  2. We always spend it at my house and he sleeps over. We don't have much sex though as I don't really feel ready for it and he's been very understanding. Neither of us enjoys going out or being in public, so it's more comfortable for us to just do activities in the house, cook, talk, and cuddle.
  3. Thanks, I really just needed some type of perspective on this. I appreciate the advice!
  4. I'm currently 28 years old, male, and this is my first time dating anyone, ever. I've been seeing this guy, 35, since about February. He seemed really nice and easy to talk to, we really hit it off when we first started talking. He also has an extremely busy job with long hours and a long commute and a schedule that changes on a whim, so making plans is often difficult. The most he can do is come over once every 3-5 weeks or so, and we have a fun time together, but once we're not together it's almost impossible to talk to him. Because of his job and that he doesn't want to be glued to his phone, he rarely ever texts or calls since he is too exhausted. He will sometimes send a two or three-word text every few days when he can manage it, and maybe an hour-long call every 2 or so weeks. Even on days he has off from work, he doesn't like to be near his phone or answer texts and is often busy running errands or helping family or just relaxing, so I usually get ignored the entire day when I offer to hang out or just call and talk. I totally get that it can be demanding and unreasonable for people to insist whoever they're dating has to be ready to hang out or talk 24/7, but I am starting to wonder if maybe this is just not enough talking... I really don't feel like I can even form enough of an emotional connection with this person sometimes to justify continuing to see them. I'm wondering if I am being unreasonable now and this is a common/normal experience when dating
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