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  1. Thank you for that. You are completely right.
  2. Not necessarily. That depends on how intentional he was about manipulating you. If that wasn’t his intention, then you should apologize and move on. Otherwise, yes, you should ignore him.
  3. Yes I completely agree. I’m not going to compliment her on her appearance until I have a solid foundation, it’s completely appropriate, and we’re in an acceptable environment for it.
  4. Of course, I never wanted to do that. I never implied that either, as far as I know. I promise I wouldn’t do that. I completely agree with you.
  5. I will. I’m working up the courage thanks to everyone here. I’m really grateful to this community.
  6. Ah, yeah. That’s my first post actually. I’m new to this whole place. Y’all seem like an amazing community though, and I really like to talking to y’all on here.
  7. No you don’t. You seem really nice. My problems are not something you need to hear though. Not your fault I just don’t want to load them on you.
  8. Yes I’m a teenager also going through some rough times relationship wise. I’m glad I could help, and I’m so sorry about this whole thing for you. I really am. My prayers are with you.
  9. You’re not a loser. You just have to accept that he doesn’t like you. I know it’s hard. It really is. But you’ve already tried. Trying again might even be annoying to him. You should just ask for his forgiveness for your actions in a calm manner and then focus on your own life. It’s easy to get caught up in trying to get a boyfriend/girlfriend. Focus on your interests and bettering yourself. I promise it helps.
  10. I had an relationship that lasted for 6 months where I was lied to the entire time about her feelings for me. I understand the feeling of giving so much of yourself and receiving nothing in return. You can try him again, but to be honest, you’ll most likely come off as desperate, and that is the last thing you want. You want him to chase you. Not the other way around. Trust me when I say chasing him isn’t going to make him like you.
  11. Well it sounds like you know the truth. He doesn’t like you. Trust me I’ve had a situation where I was that guy, and I’m really sorry to say, there’s little you can do to change his mind. You can ask for his forgiveness if you still want to be friends, but it sounds like what you want is him to like you. So what I suggest is to try and work on yourself. Not saying you need fixing!!! I’m sure you’re an amazing person. I think you should try to work out or something like that. Try a new hobby. Something that will make you more attractive for the next guy that hopefully sees your worth and wants to be with you. I’m really sorry. I hope I helped you, but I’m still young too so I’m not an expert.
  12. If he doesn’t like you then why do you want him back? It also seems like a bit of an overreaction to stop being friends with him just because he didn’t like you. I’m not trying to be mean or not understanding. I’m just trying to figure things out.
  13. Why did you stop being friends with him?
  14. Tell him. That’s all I can say. There’s nothing else you can do. He will either forgive you or not. But there isn’t anything else you can do.
  15. Thank you, I agree that swimming is something she cares about a lot. I think it would be better to compliment her on her athletic ability.
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