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  1. 🥲 This made me cry a bit. Thank you, this is sweet and such a positive way to look at it. Unfortunately the Milan job won’t work, while I may be able to figure out a way to live frugally. It would be frustrating because Milan is super expensive and you don’t get to take up a part time job as a PhD student. Also I was advised to look for opportunities in other European countries where they are more opportunities for international students or workers to have a long term career. In Italy it is super hard to get opportunities like that. So I will go home and keep looking for more long term and better opportunities.
  2. I’ve been searching for a job and hopefully something comes up. I’m in the tech field and due to all the layoffs it’s so hard to get a job. I has a part time tech job during my Masters but was among the people layed off.
  3. Thank you for your kind words, I’m trying hard not to be negative. I decided not to take the Mila position because as a PhD student you are not allowed to take up any other job that isn’t related to your research. Also the biggest issue is that at the end of my PhD I will be force to leave again just like now because it’s not easy to get a sponsorship for a work permit as a foreigner. So I was advised to go for other EU countries that are more open to international workers getting sponsorships.
  4. P.s I apologise in advance for the long text So I am a recent Masters graduate from a University in Europe. My plan is to pursue a PhD after my Masters but unfortunately , I couldn’t get a good funded PhD position before my permit expires. I do have a supervisor willing to let me do my PhD with her research group but there’s currently no funding now, so she asked me to be patient for funding to come up. I also did get an offer for a position in Italy but it only pays €1000/month, which doesn’t even cover basic expenses in a city like Milan so I didn’t take it. ( I was also advised it’s best to get a position in a place where I can easily get a longer term job afterwards, so that I don’t experience this situation I’m in again). I also applied for regular jobs , not just PhD’s but most companies won’t hire me because I am a foreigner and they don’t want to go through the work permit application especially because I am a junior in my field. The point now is I have to return to my home country and keep applying for any open PhD positions while also hoping funding comes up for the research group. My problem is that it’s so sad having to return, my country is really rough and the economy makes it so bad, unemployment rate is through the roof, electricity is bad and internet is poor. So right now I just feel like a failure going home to live with my parents at 28 with no money . I have been depressed for a while now, I also have anxiety, I have gained like 30kg in the last few months and often think not so good thoughts. I’m too ashamed, everyone I know who tried hard to leave our country and go abroad never returned, they got a job and made it out. I don’t know why my own situation has to be different. It feels like bad luck. My spirit is so down, like I will just go home, give up and hide away, I’m so numb and exhausted. What advice you will give in navigating returning home, the shame , mental health, facing everyone back home, trying again to make it out of my country. It feels impossible and sad. Would love to hear what people would do if they were in my situation.
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