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  1. He states he wants to be with me and is happy though. Sometimes he'll mention things for us to do in the future and places he wants us to go together. Surely if he's losing interest and didn't want the relationship then he wouldn't do those things.
  2. Myself 26F and my boyfriend 26M have been together for only 3 months. There wasn't any signs of this at the start but within the past month I've noticed a change in his behaviour. I'm unable to discuss the relationship or my feelings at all without him getting incredibly defensive and annoyed, he invalidates my feelings and if i continue to try to talk he will say "im done with this conversation" and leave. My boyfriend is incapable of apologising or taking accountability for anything, he blames me for pretty much everything and will then yell, swear at me, say a bunch of horrible things and tell me to "shut the *** up"; if i dont adhere to his orders and be quiet then he'll leave and won't talk to me until the next day, to which he won't address what happened at all. If i mention it then its a repetitive cycle of him being horrible to me until i'm told to be quiet so he can avoid the conversation. A common thing he's started doing is he'll disrespect me or say something horrible to me, i'll speak up about it and he'll accuse me of being sensitive. Then he'll blame me for being the reason he's done/said what he has, if i try to defend myself or deny anything then he says "oh no pretty little princess, you're so perfect, you could never harm anyone or do anything wrong" in the most sarcastic voice. My boyfriend will make me cry and be fully aware that he's hurt me and he'll just leave me alone and go to sleep, fully aware that i hate sleeping upset.There was a time where i was pretty much having a panic attack because i couldn't believe how horrible he was talking to me and he just said i cry about everything, walked away, turned out the lights and left me to cry in the dark by myself. He says he loves me a lot and wants to build a life with me, that he wants to work on our issues so we can be happy; but will then continue to yell, be horrible and disrespect me. There's a lot more which is too much for me to write in this post but because he blames me for so much, it's making me start to think I'm the problem and i feel so hurt, lost and confused. I want our relationship to work because there are wonderful things about him but im unsure if it's even worth it at this point. Should i stay and try to work through things out or leave?
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