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Posts posted by chupchup

  1. mind ended a year and a half ago. we did do the sex thing. n he made it clear that he doesnt to be in a relationship. which i didn't mind. i love him and still do. but i call him most of the times, he never really called. i know its not right for wat is happening. I'm not sure if he's gona call u. dont sit around and sulk because i did that once and its just wasting time. do wat you need to do and if he calls he calls and if not its his loss.

  2. this is wat happened. my ex and i broke up about a year and a half ago. Since than, we still talk once in awhile and do things that we shouldn't be doing. about a few weeks ago he told me that wat we were doing wasn't right and that we should stop. I didn't have a problem with that.


    But just a few nights ago, we were online talking when he sent me this quote and we started kinda arguing wat happened in the past. it upsetted me so much that i left the house for a walk. He obviously saw that, and next thing i know he's at my house. he called me and asked me to come back to the house. I was gona suggest we walk but then he said to go inside and talk. Yet, we didn't really talk but instead he offered me a massage. but it was more than more than that.


    tonite, i txted him because i needed help with some errrands, but he just changed on me. his attitude and stuff. saying that he's standing up for himself n that he can't do me any more favors when i never asked for any in the first place. I don't know what happened and he's not telling me. he just want me to leave him alone. i wish i could but till this day i still care about him and he knows that from the day we broke up till now. So whats happening someone please help me. its driving me nuts.

  3. jut talk to him.make jokes but dont be shy or jittery about it. be yourself and have confidence. its works for me. i just make a flirty comment here and there. Just flirt verbally, u dont want to make urself too obvious. words never hurt anyone. make ur comments into a lil joke and laugh after u make those bold comments. just trying to help. hard to explain in words, but it works for me all the time.

  4. hm, it sounds like he's afraid to be committed. N thats probably y he kept distancing himself after several months each time. It also sounds like you still love him. Its hard not to think of him and he'll always be in ur heart. But maybe u should just give him a call and say hi. Maybe start all over again. Find out wats making him being distant from u.

  5. A friend told me about this site so i thought i give it a try. I guess I'm still in love w/ my ex. We're been broken up for a year and a half now. We still see each other once in a while. Or lets say do things that we shouldn't be doing. I recently had a friend tell me that he still loves me but he's not sure if he wants to be w/ me again. I really love him and because of that, it jeopardized my new relationship w/ someone who was really nice. I want to be w/ my ex again but I tried and I'm afraid to bring it up cuz I dont want him to think that I'm breaking apart again like i did previously. I just dont know wat to do. i just want to be w/ him. Its hard to forget him because he's the first guy that i have fallen hard for. wat can I do to make it happen again.

  6. hey i'm new to this and i just read ur forum. if u're interested in the guy u should definitely go for it. but u might also might want to talk to ur best friend first out of respect. even though u r free to date whoever u want. By dating her brother, it might cause some conflict in ur friendship. So u might want to run it by her first and get a blessing.

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