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  1. i guess that’s true, just don’t want him to have it either. it’s one of the things he has of mine, but i feel the strongest about that because i don’t want him to use with another girl. i can burn it or bury it
  2. no.. he doesn’t have a lot of my things. but he does have a date jar i made for us and i don’t know why he didn’t give that back
  3. we were together 8 months, i don’t think he found someone else he works so much he never had time to do anything. not to mention his past 2 exes cheated on him. i don’t think it was that.. if we can’t reconcile i wish we could at least meet up and give me my things back.
  4. Hi, my ex bf broke up with me almost two weeks ago now. he said he had lost feelings but couldn’t tell me why. he insisted he wasn’t lying, he didn’t know why he had lost feelings just that he did. he said he had been feeling this way for 2 months. he said it wasn’t of any shortcoming of my own, wasn’t my fault, i was more than enough, etc.. this has been really hard to comprehend because we were extremely compatible and had great chemistry. we never fought or anything. i feel blindsided and distraught. he was my best friend so i feel like i’ve taken two blows instead of just the one. we’ve been no contact since the breakup. i want to reach out to him in a month just to see how he is doing and maybe get some closure from a conversation but i’m not sure if it’s a good idea. all of the people i’m talking to think it is, and some are even optimistic that we will be able to reconcile. i’m not very optimistic.. if anything, i’m terrified. i don’t think he will want to speak to me, let alone reconcile. if he wanted to reach out, he would’ve, right? this has been an extremely brutal breakup to get over from. every day is getting slightly better, but i’m still very sad. i am so conflicted.
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