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  1. I can't help but be negative, even though I like to have a positive outlook on things, my naivety has never helped me in my life. I hate to sound like a walking contradiction, but I can't sum up my negative life experiences in a simple online post. I do know for certain I was more positive as a younger kid, then I became jaded as an adult; I treat people with respect, but am cautious when approaching relationships. My views on younger people is that they have unrealistic views on society, they're idealistic to a fault. I know there are few sane Gen Z kids out there, most of them are just in perpetual "bad Millennial bad! bad Boomer bad! I will end my outlook on life here, just so we can resume the topic. I have my physical preferences, they're not more rational than being attracted to someone with blonde hair or someone who's muscular. I guess I need to not post generalizations for the people who are good parents.
  2. Maybe I should have defined my comment more, I'm just saying any risk is risk. I didn't I that I don't want to be a parent, I just understand that it's not an easy job, most people in my eyes are terrible parents. I have seen in public how miserable some parents can be, how some of them get verbally abusive with their kids, if I were ever a parent I wouldn't even contemplate acting like that.
  3. I just know in the United States, it's more socially acceptable for age gap relationships between old men and younger women, it's not the same for the opposite. I also know the kid thing is a risk as well; I see these stories of mass shooters and I always think about the possibility of my kid committing the crime, or my kid being the victim of another. I know that if I were to be a parent, it would be incredibly difficult in today's world.
  4. I have a bias for aged women, reasonable age gap being 10-12 years older than me(I know I'm weird) but I do understand life is more than just physical preferences, so my partner waiting for me could be younger than me. If I were to be with someone older, there are surrogacy options, IVF or adoption, so I should revolve my relationship goals around kids. I would rather have a quality partner first and the kid thing is secondary. Thank you, I think the thread is wrapping up anyways, people can still leave their opinions.
  5. That's a risk I'm willing to take if someone older is of better character than a younger woman, but I'm aware I can't have both. I need some time to calm down, I was out of line last night and after waking up I feel a little better.
  6. I'm actually not, but whatever makes you sleep well at night. I'm getting a few small grays beneath my bottom lip, I have no head gray hair yet, but I'm getting old. I just miss being younger, life just continues to get harder as you age. I typically prefer older women, but if I want kids I'm gonna have to put my preferences aside and be more practical. I have had more time to think about it after her reply, if she were so desperate for kids, why you're waiting at age 36 confuses me; I also don't have the whole story with her ex, maybe this was for the best. I'm still angry that it was a waste of my time.
  7. 'm going through more than dating woes, I'm just not happy with my situation in life right now. If I had the power to go back and change certain things, I would change them without hesitation. I'm inching to 30 and I'm officially old in 4 months; I honestly prefer being 14 years old and having to deal with juvenile bullying than put up with anything superficial garbage working adults have to put up with on a daily basis. My life as a kid was pretty average, but at least I was young and the world was a much brighter place from the perspective of my young and vibrant brain. I appreciate it, I'm just irritated because I was legit having fun with around 60 people that night and thought it was going to payoff, just set myself up for disappointment.
  8. I got the answer I was expecting, so I guess I have an excuse to drink tonight or just play video games till 2am on a weeknight to soften the blows. I didn't mention the other women I have dated on her, didn't feel it was relevant. I had two girlfriends as a teenager, those weren't real since relationships as a kid don't really mean anything, I also had an unofficial date that I never asked for when I was hospitalized(woman dated me three times without asking behind her boyfriend's back) and the several attempts at dating I had over the years amounted to nothing. I'm just going to focus on myself 100% from now on, I'm not doing this game anymore. I'm going to focus on my business I started, my health and my own financial gain. The world sucks!
  9. I'm not invalidating your life experiences, but why are you assuming it won't work for me based on what I typed? You don't know me or the person I'm interested in, so where's the logic? I'm not an old man, but I'm not a young kid anymore and there's certain things in life I want that I don't have yet.
  10. I'm sorry if I sound defensive here, I'm just upset because I'm getting older and it feels like fate that I can't get into a meaningful relationship at all.
  11. If I'm bisexual I have a right to date heterosexual people, I understand letting people know within the first few weeks of dating, but I'm not going to limit myself by dating only bisexual people. I had a similar situation with some gay male in 2013, who told me that I need to pick a side and quit being internally homophobic, I don't believe in that nonsense.
  12. I'm not trying to be rude, but am I supposed to tell a woman everything when we meet on day one? I understand it's a legit concern, I haven't been sexually active in years and I don't have any diseases after being tested when I have been with people in the past.
  13. I will need to update everyone later today then, I asked her out on messenger and will see where it goes.
  14. If I'm the one engaging in conversation first, how am I ghosting her? if anything she's ghosting me.
  15. I'm not trying to argue here, I just think we have a different understanding of the English language and social customs. Why do I need to specifically say "we should date"? She expressed she is single and knows I'm single, am I hanging out with her just to have a friend? Men and women don't do the friendship thing when they're single.
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