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  1. Happens quite often to me. It's not something strange here I guess. And no, I don't speak to woman especially for talking about that 😉 It's also not me coming up with that topic. Whateever, as you say. If there is ANY interest, she'll contact me. It's just that it was a very special unique experience for me. This one was going a little differently, that's why I created this post in the first place. I think I am not used to meet women like her, that's why I was unsure about what's going on.
  2. Yes, I like her as a person. I can not change what she did, but I could be the one forming her near future. So why not? It's not important for me what she did, it is important why she did it and what it tells about her character. And I tried to find out, but time was running so I was in the impression that I could spend more time with her to see if it could go betweenus. And I tried to understand her. Her trust and openess in me impressed me and gave me the feeling that it's a unique night.
  3. Well, I find you need to differentiate between group chat (when she talked about her bar stuff) and 1:1 talks. Of course it was a funny joking moment and she wanted to shock the group with details like that. I do not know exactly why. But she changed the moment we were alone. I think you know what I mean, talks got serious, calm, private. Everything she said from that point was not to impress me, the opposite was the case. She opened up on her real problems, her past and we talked about the evening/night and the other people where she mentions that all the others wouldn't interest her. I admit, she never said that she is "interested" in me either. But as you guys say, I should not take what the says, I should take what she does. And she stayed up very very late, with me. She could have left any time while we were in the bar. She could have stepped out of the car any moment to go leave me on the parking spot. But she kept talking, didnt initiate anything that made my think she just wants my pure attention and then dump me. She could have accelerated towards anything she could have planned. But it was very slow paced. It was not her leading to what is going to happen, it was me.
  4. Yes, that is why I explicitly asked her about it and we talked like 10 minutes about only that while driving her home. I was not blind about that and wanted to hear her explaining herself. As already said, she talked it down and it seemed that it's nothing that she is proud of. And I still believe her, that's why I was in the hope that she overthinks her behavior and does NOT repeat it with me.
  5. Kind of. Lemme try to review. She said something like this: "I don't want to go out with my friends anymore at the moment, because we always talk about the same. I wanted to go out alone to meet new people, without responsibility, being free" I asked her how she registered to the social game. She said: "I was starting to watch TV, but it felt like I missed so much in my younger years that I need to go out more, that is why I just googled for today's events and registered and here I am" - it was spontenous.
  6. Guess we'll never really find out who is right here. Nevertheless I will keep that in mind and watch closly if this story continues. Chances are low, I admit.
  7. I hope you know how difficult it is to watch behaviour, think twice and review everything WHILE you are next to a woman you begin to like more from minute to minute.
  8. No, her words were: "Every time I go here, someone kissed me and paid for my drinks". Every time is like 3 or 4 times. She had sex with one of them. Of course I am different, I didnt kiss her (at the bar), I didnt pay for anything and I didnt sleep with her. But that's the point here. Because we are different, it does not work out for us. I see that now. But still I feel a little sorry for her, I hope you understand. I am SURE that's not really what she really wants and does/did it out of frustration, boreness or whatever.
  9. Casual or not, it's not that I think that far. I have desires like we all do and I met someone I felt good to be around with. So for now, I don't care where it is going, but I care that it is going. But with every day passing, I care less, because she eems to care even less 🙂
  10. Ya, I guess she is an attention w**** then, even after she denied being one 😞 I never met such a woman before, almost felt for it, right? Interesting experience tho. Lesson learned I guess 😉
  11. She had 3 guys in her whole life, so why do you talk her down like that. Don't get me wrong, she is my type. I guess sex was on the menu for her - but she did not try to seduce me. I passed because I have serious interest getting to know her still. I made that clear to her that night. I dont do ONSs.
  12. Confidence is not a problem. There were 5 other men that night and she decided so stick with me. This is not my concern. And yes, she said she goes there quite often and I might go there just on my own to find out what's going on. I'll post when there is any news. But for now, it's still silent, so I guess you are all right about her. It's a pity, but if that's what she needs these days I can skip on her. We are in a message group with the others, she texted there a few minutes after I left her flat that night in a very happy mood. It's still a mystery what's really going on in her mind. Maybe I challenge myself to find out, just out of curiosity more than serious interest in the woman she really might be. The more time passes, the more I can see it from a distance. As you can.
  13. Thank you. I will not text her, neither block her, just sitting there and taking care of my own business. You helped me. Have a wonderful day. If anything goes a different way, I'll let you know. Maybe you are interested whether the story continues 😉
  14. Ok. But seriously. Do you think it can be a good idea - just to end speculating - to clearly ask her what is going on like "Do you want to go out with me at all?" - I am a person that can better live with a clear yes or no instead open ended conversations including unanswered questions!
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