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  1. I am software engineer by profession and my hobbies are biking into unknown places solo and travel a lot again solo. Do i meet any singles of my age group? NO. I do meet them in online dating but it is too little and too few. The one whom I match with generally fails after 1st date. I am still figuring it out why they fail after first date. I genuinely screwed up some dates because I was having bad time at office and it spilled into dating meet ups but most of the other times It was nothing I could do because the reasons I heard was ex reappeared, someone just trying to move on from ex (But they kept it secret until I pressed them) etc etc I am an expat living in different country. I moved here 4 years back so the amount of people I can date is quite low because I am down somewhere in the pecking order because of ethnicity and stereotypes, not that it bothers me but that's the truth I have to live with. So among limited attention I get I try to pick someone who matched me closely and may be that's what makes me needy? I don't know but not something I am proud off and work hard to get rid off it
  2. I am not chasing, I haven't sent any message neither called her after she stopped responding. Of course I went through lot of anxiety and why questions because I was so sure that she will accept because of the way she was behaving. I felt like she is really waiting for me to say this. The girl was real I have spoken to her over video call and seen 1000's of pics so money was not in picture (Or let's say I would have never given even if it was requested). The only solace is it all ended very soon else it would have been long road to recovery. I knew all along she is selfish and flaky and unstable but then I somehow couldn't stop myself. I was drawn into it. After 4 years and meeting countless girls this was the only girl with whom I had so much fun and every time we spoke it was laughter and smiles and never ending conversations. While I knew of all her negative traits I couldn't stop talking to her because I felt so connected
  3. I am not chasing, I haven't sent any message neither called her after she stopped responding. Of course I went through lot of anxiety and why questions because I was so sure that she will accept because of the way she was behaving. I felt like she is really waiting for me to say this. The girl was real I have spoken to her over video call and seen 1000's of pics so money was not in picture (Or let's say I would have never given even if it was requested). The only solace is it all ended very soon else it would have been long road to recovery. I knew all along she is selfish and flaky and unstable but then I somehow couldn't stop myself. I was drawn into it.
  4. Believe me this is the way I feel but my heart refuses to listen. Hope with time I stick to this
  5. I can reach her by travelling 4 hours and with wfh I can always relocate
  6. sure, I am trying to figure out why it went wrong? If so I know what not to do. Not everyone dates local women and she was not in some other country but a city which is 500 kms away
  7. I have seen her in camera so she is not scammer
  8. Hi Everyone, I met a woman about month back in facebook. It was her who added me and as we started talking she indirectly proposed me (Indicating she wants to date). As we spoke I kind of realised that she is very depressed. After that few distress calls and calls in between she was mostly flirting and I kind of felt she wanted me to say let's date. I tried giving her some compliments which were well received and I tried giving her hint a call before that I have something serious to talk about in the next call. She again attended next call on time and everything looked good. I indeed told her she is so lovely today and received well. Then I write her message next day. It was rejected saying she can't have any boyfriend and she doesn't want to date anyone because she wants to work on her(Maybe right reason not sure) and then I ask her is it that she is not interested in me if so she can be honest about it then I will not disturb again. She decided to not respond. Been 10 days so no conversation so I keep thinking how did this go wrong? I definitely felt lot of chemistry and one thing I did notice was she was very volatile with her thoughts they were all over the place and change quite often.
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