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  1. Yes i like that, good advice right there thanks!
  2. Oh he blocked me and called me a *** for caring about me so he's old news
  3. Oh yeah we had sex but we was talking/flirting and stuff(one thing lead to another and it happened) it's kind of backwards since we're suppose to do it while dating but ig he's waiting to ask me out idk when and idk if he's truly going to so thats why i'm asking for advice cus idkkk
  4. Idk thats what i'm trying to figure out cus we talk and we always hugging and talking and joking pretty much acting like a couple and he did say he was gonna ask me out evantually but idk thats why i need some advice
  5. So this boy who goes to my school he's a football player and we've been talking and getting to know each other months before school started he's cousin's with one of my friend's so that how we met he had hit me up and we became friend instantly. At that time we was just friends because he was dating someone else and I was looking at some other guy. But he broke up with his gf cause of communication issues etc and I gave him some space cause you know a breakup is hard to deal with. After that I came back and we started flirting and becoming more and then school started and we did have sex. And because to me my first time is a big deal so the next time at school we met up I talked with him about what i was to him and he was like "I really like you alot and You are important to me" and then I was like "yeah we had sex and stuff so i don't want this to be unemotionally type of thing because I want us to be in a relationship" and He was like "Me too Ima ask you out evantually, I just want to take things slow first and It's NOT unemotionally sex because I like you alot" and he was saying to trust him and then I was "Oh what if you hurt me because I am a very diffuclt person to be with" and he grabbed me and pulled me to him and said "I'm not going to hurt you okay? I promise you that" etc but yall get the idea of what happened. So now whenever we see each other he always hugs me and stares at me and we just vibing and stuff. We also have connected on a deeper and emotionally level too like his cousin the one i'm friends with went to jail and he didn't know so I told him everything and he was crying. Then he was like "Omg thank you for telling me that like I love you for that" and I was basically helping him through that for months. But yeah so we vibe and all but my thing is when will he ask me out tho?? cause we've been doing good so far just enjoying each other's company and talking and we laugh and joke alot. so like when will he?????? and does he truly want a relationship with me???? what do yall think....
  6. My ex boyfriend and his friend are back, and they won't stop trying to interfere in my current relationship. For those who aren't aware of my crazy ex boyfriend who harassed me and stalked me and blames me(though it was his fault because we broke up over a misunderstanding that he refused to believe) and treated me like trash and spread nasty rumors about me(told everyone I was a hoe at school) and he got one of his friends named Chris to play with my feelings. It was relentless, I finally thought it was over and I could be at peace and yes he's blocked from all my social media accounts, but one of my no longer friends she reached out to him and they started getting close(after multiple people have told her how ***ed up that is , she kept trying to talk to him after I told her and reminded her about all the *** and horrible things he's done to me and to her because he was using her to get dirty about me and yet she keep going back to him behind my back and on top of that other people has told her how wrong it was but she refused to listen so I cut her off) and my current boyfriend(his name is MJ) told my ex to stop hurting me and if he caught him trying to hurt me again he would beat the *** out of him(my boyfriend was being protective cause he found out about all the harassment my ex put my through). So my ex found out that me and MJ are dating, and he told chris "did you know Lucy(me) and MJ are dating?" and Chris said "oh they not really dating he just wants to *** her, don't worry i'll talk to him and show him the stuff she did, I got you" and my ex said "Bet", they are plotting to ruin my relationship. Now I don't know if MJ believes what chris said about me, but it's relentless cause they already ruined two of my previous relaionships and I don't know why they even care that I'm dating MJ, but they won't freaking stop and I'm already stressed enough dealing with my dad having a stroke and now in rehab(cause he cant walk no more) and this *** on top of it. I even asked chris very respectfully to stay out of my relationship with MJ, but He just rebuttaled and threaten to tell MJ to stop talking to me altogether. Help please because I'm trying to keep this drama away from MJ, I love him alot and I wanna protect him from all the *** chris and my ex are doing. I just want to keep my past in the past, It was dark and miserable time for me delaing with my ex and his friend chris , I just want them to leave us alone. Also (chris and MJ are friends, but chris didn't know about me and MJ till my ex said something, but MJ doesn't like my ex, because my ex is always starting stuff with him and other people so they don't like each other anyways, but i'm worried about Mj believing what chris says) Because I want MJ to come to me about if he wants to know what happened with my ex then why can't he just come to me? Also one last thing, Mj said to me the day before yesterday he wanted a fresh start with me, I didn't know at first what that meant but is he refering to what chris and my ex said to him about me????? so please help on what to do because clearly blocking doesnt do ***, so HELPP
  7. I was saying My godsis texted him because she wanted to meet him, He already knew this and was okay with it but the only one who was calling him is me and only me
  8. what people? nobody calling him but me He did ask me out on a date I just said that in my explaination we are planning one
  9. So as you all know three months ago I got out of a really horrible relationship and it was very toxic and bad. But now I'm in a new and fresh romantic relationship with this guy name Mj and he's super respectful and he's just super supportive and loving and funny and cute and he really, really makes me feel super genuiunly happy . He started talking to me and he made me feel really good and happy. when we first started talking he was the first guy who finally didn't flirt with me or try to hit me up, He actually was talking to me about his dreams and goals and he wants to play basketball in the nba and he wants to go to harvard, I was giving him advice and telling him to never take no for an answer and just being super supportive to his dream and aksing him questions and he started feeling happy and he was like "i gotta know who u are and I think i might be falling in love with you", I think it was because I was the first girl to finally support his dreams (aside from his family and friends). Which made me feel super touched and happy, we just clicked automatically. After that we started dating and we facetime everyday and text everyday pretty much always and he always calls me back and always wanna talk. We also go to the same high school and live 10 min away from each other so we pretty much all around each other. We also plan on going on dates and stuff. But then we both started the same summer school last week and we weren't able to text or call each other because we were both busy but he did call me on wednesday and he wanted to facetime but I couldn't cause I had to go to church. But then sunday I called him and My godsis had texted him and I asked him if he saw her text and he was like "I did but ima respond later I wanna talk to you for awhile right now okay?" and I was like okay but we barley got to talk for more than 15 min because he had to go call his sister cause she was calling him while we was on the phone so he was like "Ima call you back after I love you" and I said I love you too. But then after three hours he finally called back but then his dad was yelling at him in the background to go do something so he was like "Ima be back don't hang up" and I didn't but the phone line went dead after 8 mins. Then I wait 4 hours and he never called back so I called him back like 10 times but nothing and I waited and waited, because he did say his phone is on do not disturb when we are at summer school or if he's hanging with friends or its on vibrate if he's alseep or busy but its been 4 hours and he should have been back by now cause he usually always calls me back so this was the first time he didn't so I got upset and spammed him. Then yesterday Monday morning I called him three times in the morning before first period (cause we both go to the same summer school and we both found out on sunday that we go to the same summer school ironic smh) but nothing no answer then I texted him still nothing no response. So then I called him later on 11 times but no response and we still havent made any plans to meet up at summer school cause he was like "why didn't you tell me you went to the same summer school as me so we could have met up" but then when I called him back sunday he never did call back so now I'm crying and upset and worried crazy. What should I do??? Should I keep calling and texting???????๐Ÿ˜”
  10. In my other post I mentioned how my ex bf was just crazy and etc. Of course he wasn't always that way don't get me wrong our relationship was amazing tbh He treated me like a princess. Better than alot of my other exes treated me like, he was charming and sweet and wanted to spoil me. He even wanted me to meet his mom next year for junior year in high school. He was the best boyfriend that I personally ever had ๐Ÿฅฒand then his crazy side came out when we broke up 5 weeks ago, I already knew he was crazy cause we've been best friends from the start so I already knew how he could be but I thought he has matured abit and those parts of him had changed but unfortun it didn't change ๐Ÿ™„. But now it's been a month since we parted and I've been feeling super nostalgic lately just re-reading our old texts or thinking about him whenever I see something funny that he would have laughed to, it's not bad nostalgic its all good happy memories of us together. I do often wish that our breakup could have been different if he had just listened cause he's super stubborn and has such a big ass ego Smh๐Ÿ˜‘. But why do I keep feeling nostalgic now??? like why now, why a month later esp when I'm moving on and as I said in my last posted getting hit on by so many guys so why now????๐Ÿค”
  11. Not yet But i'm still looking, its just crazy how they all hitting on me and stuff, but yeah i'm just trying to be confident and keep my head held high after going thro all of crap with my ex and stuff so that makes sense
  12. If those of you who don't know I suffered thro a bad breakup a month ago with my crazy ex boyfriend(he did alot of *** to me, he tried to humilate and harass me and stalk me etc and claims he hates me even tho he broke up with me๐Ÿ˜) and now I'm a boy magent like every day i'm getting dms from these cute guys(my age ofc) and they follow me and stuff literally every single day on my insta and snap, they are like very flirty with me and into me and stuff, don't get me wrong I don't mind it because I love meeting people and i'm a total extrovert so i love it but why does that always happen whever I get dumped cause this isn't the first time either a year ago I got cheated on a few months later I was a boy magent and again and again. my followers list is filled with all these cute teenage dudes and its like wow. So why does it always happens to me, why do i suddenly become a boy magent???๐Ÿฅฒ
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