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  1. I'm aware erotica is fictional. I never said otherwise. You are replying it something that was never said. I'm not saying "Women cheat on men like me in erotica so I'm worried that will happen in real life." I never said anything like that. The stories within the erotica are fictional, but their popularity isn't. It's reflective of women's sexuality.
  2. This is an incredibly important question and I should've replied earlier. My endgame is to figure out if it is possible that I will meet a woman who is actually attracted to me. The men who are conventionally attractive to women are my total opposite in both appearance and personality. Whenever I express this insecurity, the reassurance I get is along the lines of "Girls find jocks and bad boys men sexy, but once they get older and want stability, they will want somebody more like you." I'd like to think I would meet somebody who actually is attracted to me. Every example I've ever read of a woman who is partnered with a man like me involves her with internal conflicts between emotional/sexual desires and her want of stability; her wants conflict with her needs. She prefers the exciting personality of masculine bad boys yet realizes those same traits make them a bad partner. Inversely, the very traits which make the nice guy a good partner also make him unexciting. As Psychology Today put it, they put their partners in a sexual coma not in spite, but because they're good boyfriends. So am I just supposed to spend the rest of my life tightrope between being a good but not boring partner? Every example I hear of a woman who commits infidelity involves her cheating on a man like me with a man who is my opposite. This is especially true in erotica written by and for women. I've never met a woman who expresses attraction to a man remotely like me. I've met several who express attraction to men who are my opposite. My endgame is to find out if it's likely I'll meet women who genuinely aren't attracted to bad boys or jocks and who are organically attracted to me.
  3. Studies show stoic men are more attractive to women and crying is very much a turn off. If vulnerability is attractive, why are most male sex symbols muscular? Strength has consistently been shown to be an attractive feature to women. Vulnerability is the antonym to strength.
  4. Once again, 1. The studies are peer-reviewed. 2. I also quoted a piece in Psychology Today several times. 3. I included a story about an event that occurred during the production of a film, not within the plot of the film. 4. In the original post, I include a story involving two women I know. If vulnerability is attractive, then why would rugby players be attractive in the first place? Rugby players are attractive because they're strong. Vulnerability and strength are antonyms.
  5. You keep commenting on here and seem to have not read my posts. 1. The studies are peer-reviewed. 2. I also quoted a piece in Psychology Today several times. 3. I included a story about an event that occurred during the production of a film, not within the plot of the film.
  6. What's the point of commenting here if you're just going to insult me? I have linked the studies and can do so again. The ovulation isn't the point. It's what women's feelings about their during ovulation mean. The study said that women who date men like me feel less attracted to them and mire attracted to conventionally masculine men, whilst those dating masculine men feel more attracted to their partners. This is because women who date men like me are doing so out of a desire for stability. It's like hoe I est strawberries in lieu of ice cream for my health but am still tempted by ice cream. https://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/comm/haselton/unify_uploads/files.
  7. I wouldn't want to date Megan Fox. I never thought she was good-looking and can't imagine I'd have anything in common with her at all. I know many women in my personal life who I'd be more interested in dating than Megan Fox.
  8. Why would I want to be vulnerable? Vulnerability is very unattractive. As I said earlier, the studies and examples I read indicate women are unhappy in such relationships. They report being unsatisfied in the weeks surrounding ovulation and feeling they're in a sexual coma not in spite but because of their partner's good traits. That doesn't sound happy to me.
  9. We were never officially dating. I told her how I felt and she was taken aback. She's said she wants to just be friends. So no, I haven't got that evidence. I cited an example of a conversation with female friends in the first post.
  10. People here are responding to things I did not actually say. I'm not saying I literally expect her to cheat with a celebrity, nor did I ever say I fear my partnernwill never notice somebody else. I am saying that I'm worried she will only see me as the stable compromise for what she really wants. Not only am I not physically masculine, but my personality is virtually the opposite of masculine bad boys. I'm not aggressive or dangerous. It seems to me that men who are attractive to women have these traits - again, the opposite of me. Thisncreates insecurity in me, and the reassurance I always get is "Women find aggressive men aexy but as they get older they realize they make bad partners. So they settle for nice guys like you." I don't want to be with somebody who feels that way about me! Erotica, unlike porn, is about personality and psychology. Every erotic story I can find intended for women involves having sex with an aggressive, dangerous man, often cheating on her stable but boring husband. A piece in Psychology Today said women who are married to nice men often feel they're in a sexual coma not in spite but because of their partner's traits. I don't want to be in that kind of relationship!
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