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  1. I wasn't really thinking about how he acted, i was just a bit curious how common it is that a guy who is considered enormously attractive by girls causes those girls to act like this just from his looks, whether he likes it or not. I cannot remember noticing this kind of behaviour to this extent for any other guys that I have been aware of.
  2. I have stopped thinking about trying to approach him, and have decided to focus on other things. It doesn't seem all that tempting anymore to date someone who has all these girls aggressively chasing him. I was just wondering, out of curiosity - how common is it that an attractive guy gets treated like this to this degree? Because this man attracts the other girls so much that he can literally do nothing at all, and simply say yes to dates - he can even look quite indifferent and only give short answers when they speak to him, and those girls will still make sure to carry on the conversation, or jump straight to asking him out, without ever losing interest in him at all. I have seen girls sit close next to him and compliment him on his eyes and arms, and one girl asking him to tell her how she looked in some new leggings and turning around for him (and thus basically asking him to look at her body), and a couple girls have walked up to him and sat down on his lap on individual occasions before they even asked for his name, and he looked a bit surprised by that. I feel like this is probably something that only happens to guys who are unusually attractive, so that they are like one-in-a-million level or something like that. I don't think I have ever seen anything quite like this, and it is a bit intriguing.
  3. I have decided that I will probably not bother approaching him after all. I did make brief eye contact with him yesterday, and smiled a bit at him, but even this seemed to make some girls next to him give me some disapprocing looks. Not very long, but just enough so that I could feel that they didn't like it, and then he completely forgot about me. I have also been warned by a classmate who knows him a little bit that he does sleep around a whole lot, and that he constantly has a ton of admirers who compete for his attention in various subtle or not-so-subtle ways, and try to sleep with him. It seems like it would be very stressful to develop any kind of deeper connection with him if he has this constant aggressive attention from a bunch of pretty girls, and apparently sleeps with one girl after another. It's a bit frustrating, but I feel like it is probably the best decision. I have started to get used to his looks now though, so it isn't an overwhelming physical temptation or anything like that. 😛
  4. I am not quite sure yet what to do about this. On one hand, I feel like I would really regret if I never tried to approach him, but on the other hand, I feel like there is a big risk that I will eventually end up really falling for him and then getting dumped. But I guess it is better if I give it a try, so that I don't need to wonder what would have happened otherwise, even though it might be very risky. I will see what I will do tomorrow.
  5. At the moment it is mostly looks, and so far I haven't quite decided if I am aiming for a hook-up or for something more serious. But hook-ups seem tricky, since he seems to have casual hook-ups with various girls pretty frequently. If I end up feeling only physical attraction for him, then it would of course be great if I could feel sure that he was open for meeting me for that reason somewhat regularly, but I have a feeling that he might be the type who switches girls a lot; or maybe he has regular hook-ups with a specific number of girls, and in that case I am not so sure if I want to just be one of them.
  6. Well, that is true. If I am too eager to get physical with him, then I guess I will be just another girl who he has a short hook-up with and then dumps. My impression so far has been that girls are mostly interested in his looks, and that they are more focused on flirting with him so that they get an opportunity to have sex with him. So I should probably approach him a bit differently than all those girls if I don't want to become a temporary hook-up for him.
  7. Thanks, I might try that. ^-^ It would be great if I found some environment where we could have that drink by ourselves, in a romantic setting. I do know a place at our school where they have a cafeteria with several very comfortable couches, and where there are very few people later during the days, so that feels like it could be a great environment.
  8. That worries me a bit. I mean, I realise that I am mostly physically attracted to him at the moment, however it is a very strong physical attraction, so I am very tempted to try to make contact with him and then maybe develop something from there. He also seems very charming and humble, and those are of course very good signs, and this makes him extra interesting. However, it also seems as if he is the promiscuous type. I have only known about him for about a month, but there have been several instances after school when I have seen him leave school with different excited girls, and often with his arm around their waist and his hand on their belly, or this was what it looked like to me. So it seems a bit as if he might be like a boy toy to a lot of girls, and that their primary goal is to have sex with him when they get the opportunity. If that is how it is, then I am not sure if I want to take any chances with him, although it would definitely be great if it did work out.
  9. Thank you, everyone. ^-^ I will definitely try asking him for help with something, that is a great idea. ^-^
  10. Oh, that is a great tip! I will try that when we have our next lecture on Thursday. ^-^ Yes, he has struck me as the alpha type, since he has a natural ability to become the center of attention and seems to end up as a leader type without even trying when he works with other people in our class. So he would probably feel a bit of an extra ego-boost and feel like a hero if I asked him for help with something. Maybe asking him to guide me to some classroom that is a bit far away might be a good idea? This would give me some time to talk to him, and maybe flirt a bit. Maybe also adding something like "oh by the way, would you like to do something together tomorrow?" or something like that. Yes, I guess this is the tricky part with a guy like him; he will constantly have a bunch of girls to choose from, and I will be one in the bunch. But I will try asking him for help with something on Thursday. ^-^
  11. I am not sure yet, but the way he interacts with girls and other people seems to indicate that he is very well-mannered and charming, and this combined with his looks are why I feel that I want to approach him. So at the moment, he is certainly someone that I would enjoy meeting in a "physical" way, but I am also interested in seeing if things will go further if I get to date him. I guess I just have to try to approach him, and make sure to stand out among the other girls.
  12. I don't really think about it that much when I do it (a little bit maybe, but not much); it is mostly my subconscious way to get his attention, since I often feel way too shy and kind of intimidated when I do see him. But I also realise that he probably won't approach me if he already gets approached by a lot of other girls, so I should probably be more upfront with him.
  13. I do often find myself trying to look "cute" and a bit seductive when I know that he looks in my direction, such as fixing my hair a lot, looking at something with tender eyes and a bit of a smile, pretending to adjust my bra or my pants (just to draw his attention to me, hah), and things like that. However, he mostly just takes a look at me for a brief moment and then forgets about me, usually because another girl starts talking to him and trying to distract him, or something like that. I have heard from a few girls that he is straight, and apparently he has dated a couple girls, so he is probably straight.
  14. My college returned to normal for the most part a few weeks ago, with regular lectures, and I have noticed a boy in my college class who is drop-dead gorgeous - he honestly looks like an extra attractive supermodel, so it is very hard to avoid staring at him. The problem is, all other girls seem to feel that same way about him (he is about 6'5 and muscular, and has short dark hair, and that type of look seems very popular among girls at my school, including myself), so it is very hard for me to find a chance to talk to him in peace. He always seems to get approached by girls out of nowhere, and those girls will often try to suggest a date or get to know him, and ask him if he wants to meet at the weekends or take a walk in a park and things like that. I have tried to give him a bit of a hint on a few occasions by making tender eye contact with him from a distance for as long as I dare and smiling a little bit; however, I don't think that he will end up making the first move, since he gets lots of spontaneous attention from more forward girls. I have noticed that he has given me the eye a bit on a few quick occasions when I have passed him - I often hear that I am cute and pretty, so hopefully he thinks the same way about me. The two main things that intimidate me from flirting with him are partly that he his looks make me feel... inadequate (like I feel that I have to be as pretty as possible to measure up to him, since he is VERY attractive), and I also feel that there is a huge risk that I will get rejected, or that he will dump me very quickly for another girl, but I try to prepare myself for that. He does seem to enjoy all the attention from the other girls a lot, but he doesn't seem arrogant, and he hasn't struck me as a player type or anything yet, so that seems like good signs, but I am not sure where to start with him.
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