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Posts posted by wccjr

  1. My wife and I are 15 years different. I've never seen it as a problem and don't sense she does either. Often I act younger than her anyway and I'm definitely in better health. Some things come up that we both find amusing though. Like talking about high school graduation and telling her she was only in diapers at the time. Or her going to her 10 year reunion when I'm headed to my 25th. If stuff like that bothers you, including when you are around other people, it probably will get worse. If not, you shouldn't have a problem. But you may also want to consider how long the males in her family normally live as well.

  2. She's 31 and certainly no indication that we couldn't have children. She has lots of excuses, such as she's too busy, doesn't want to get sick when she is pregnant, doesn't want to be pushing a baby around in a stroller, etc. Basically, she thinks having children is too much of a hassle. And she actually works with kids for a living and always talks about how cute they are!

  3. My wife and I married a little over 3 years ago and discussed having children numerous times prior to marriage. Now she says that she doesn't want children. I'm having trouble accepting this and think I may resent her for the rest of my life because of it. Outside of that we have a solid marriage. Any suggestions?

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