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Posts posted by DiscipleOfChange

  1. (should I cut him off from my life completely?


    No, that's a VERY big decision. One that does more harm than good. Some time away might not be a bad idea though. I'm just not a fan of the cutting off completely idea.


    A friendship is never the same once feelings of attraction become involved, especially if those feelings are not reciprocated equally by both people.


    I don't know what to tell you except to say that cutting him off completely is a very big decision and might not be the best idea

  2. a lot of the time, we just have to shrug things off. sometimes it takes a very long time to let things go and it does take work. Eventually though, you will move on. PM me if you want to talk about it but dont want to post about it

  3. The hours lengthen and the mintues expand

    how long will I wait to hold her hand

    keep it cool they say, play it slow

    "sure" I say but my heart wants to know

    could it be true could she truly be

    as interested in me as I she?

    It'd be so special, so sweet

    to finally be able to greet

    someone with arms open wide

    and to walk with her by my side


    T-minus 16 hours till I get back on campus

    48 hours till I see her in class


    knock on wood knock on wood



  4. Personally, i do not like challenges. I think if a girl likes me, it would be nice of her to show it. I mean, I'm not saying I woouldn't work to develop a relationship with a girl, but it would be nice if she didn't make it difficult. If she feels the same, she shouldn't pretend otherwise

  5. Just walk over to them and if you don't know them say "Hi, my name's .... this is a pretty neat party hunh?" Don't only talk to girls you're attracted to because you need to build skills with talking to women in general. Ask them about their interests and hobbies. People love talking about themselves.

  6. My trademark casual "date" is asking a girl to coffee. Don't make it like a real date though, just keep it casual. At 14 though, I might reccomend something different. I never asked girls out at your age but I recall everyone talking about going to movies together. So, that might be a good idea. There's also nothing wrong with saying "let's have lunch together outside today.

  7. as far as physical goes, at least between same gender friends I wouldn't say much. I mean birthday cards and stuff.


    As far as non-physical things go:


    unwavering trust




    the list could go on and on



    one thing my best friend and I do is that if we want to get together, we always try to rearrange things if e can and if we cant, one of us always sets up a rain date.


    an excellent quote sums it up fairly well:


    "Your friend is your needs answered. He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving. And he is your board and your fireside. For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace." --Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet, 1923

  8. I'm not saying I wouldn't like to hug her. I enjoy hugs. I just don't want to make her uncomfortable. I just think it might come off as a bit much if I spontaneously try to hug her.


    Incidentally, your profile says your from Australia and this may have nothing to do with it but in the US, a lot of people have personal space issues which take a while to break down. That's partially my reason for avoiding a hug for right now.

  9. a tough decision indeed. You'll probably get advice for both options. I'm one for sticking with one thing until you know for sure whether there's something to be gained. I wouldn't try to date/pursue more than one girl at the same time. When I'm interested in a girl, she gets all my attention (ina healthy way that is)


    I'd say, wait a bit on this guy, call him and leave a message saying how you'd really like to talk or get together again or something.

  10. I'd say things are going rather well from what you've written. He probably is either trying to make things tense (in a good way) between the two of you. I wouldn't worry about it. Whenever people get really positive signs and then nothing, it can be very worrysome...don't I know it...

  11. I dunno. Apparently a lot of guys like those sorts of tactics. They would confuse the heck out me personally. What you suggest sounds like a decent enough plan although I wouldn't completely ignore him on the day you spend with your guy friends.

  12. thanks. I actually like the idea of patting her on the back. I think swinging my arm around her shouldrs might be a bit forward. We'll see. The idea is to keep things comfortable between us but not let things get static


    You know what always works well? A hug when you greet her and when you leave her. A hug will give you both a good indication of how you feel about each other.


    while I like to think of myself as a bold person, I think that trying to hug her might be a bit much for the first time we get coffee together.

  13. At the expense of getting ahead of myself, I wanted to hear suggestions for when I should try and give more than subtle signs to this girl. We've yet to have coffee (sheesh, Monday seems like an eternity away) but I'm figuring I wont try anything too daring on that "coffee date" except maybe when we're done I might try touching her on the shoulder or taking her hand as I suggest meeting again on the weekend for dinner.


    My plan would be to try and actually hold her hand a bit the next time we get together. Of course, It all depends on the feedback I get. The point is, I don't want to rush her. Now, I know I've heard advice from people on this forum about making moves quick, but some girls I know who are in happy long-term relationships say slow is best.


    So basically, I want to take things slow, but take actions small enough to move things slowly in the right direction

  14. To answer a few of the questions:


    Is it really all about the sex and the looks?


    With respect to sex, not at all. With respect to looks, yes and no. To explain: WE'd all be lying to each other if we told ourselves that looks don't matter. Humans are sexual beings and beauty (no matter how you personally define it) counts. Personality may draw you to a person and their "looks" may grow on you but I'd put money down that 9 out of ten times, looks draw you to a person. I'm not saying that people are only attracted to bombshell beauties, but everyone has their own thing that they're attracted to


    What kind've personality do you like in a girl?


    Girls who don't feel the need to wear much if any make up or lipstick for that matter. You don't need anything else to make you more beautiful than you already are.


    What about girls who are a LITTLE over weight...like say 10-20 lbs?


    since I've got a few extra, but even if I didn't, it doesn't matter to me


    do girls who have major self image problems turn you off?


    I'd have to say yes. I really am not attracted (in a sincere relationship oriented way) to girls who doll themselves up and flaunt what they've got

  15. I don't think there's much of a discrepancy here at all. I'd put money on the fact that he likes you. One could write of the pulling out your chair for you as chivalry alone, but the rest I'd say indicates he's interested. Go ahead and give him some signs back, if you haven't already done so through flirting.

  16. well, do you guys think I should Email her? Of course I'd write more than about setting up a date like say how I hope her break is going really well and all. I mean I didn't get her cell# but I plan on setting the date the very next time we see each other, which will be in class monday morning unless ironically we end up at the ariport together again.


    Interestingly enough, I seem to understand better the advice someone left me once about not making it as much a question as a suggestion. Which I plan to use if the coffee thing goes over well. I'll say "we should get together again this weekend." or something to that effect

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