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  1. What goes around comes around. I used to be a very witchy person to people that i loved and cared about until i meet someone, who supposely loves and cares about me, that even a worse bastard than me.
  2. DI93


    [i feel like i should be on my period, but i don't have any cramps or backpain or anything. I am sorry for worrying you, but this can be a sign of being pregnant. The fact that you feeing like you should be on our period. You need to get an over the counter pregnancy test.
  3. I am sorry you feel this way, but it sound to me as if you should stop calling her your stepdaughter and start calling her your daughter because you treat her the way a mother does. An 11 year old child needs love. She is not an infant that requires your constant care and attention: all you need is to feed, shelter, clothes, and love her, which you are doing. Your stepdaughter can tell that her mother doesn't want her and she problemly can sense that you want to get rid of her. But in your post, I can tell you love and care for her deeply. Forget the mother, she can't see what a gift that God has given her. Take care of your daughter.
  4. Hope, I told her why i didn't want to go. I even told my dad we could go in the afternoon tomorrow. I didn't do those things to get a thanks or anything ( which she never once said thanks). I did them so that she would have to do them.
  5. OK. Since I am home for the summer, i have been helping my parents out. I have done the cooking, cleaning, dry cleaners etc. I wanted to do these things because i am home and not working. What i am doing is helping my mother out. If I didn't do these things, then she would have to. I don't want her to because she works all day and I think she needs a break. I even gave her money to help paid her credit cards. Ok. The problem is this: my Dad wanted me to go somewhere with him and help read the directions and I couldn't go. I didn't want to go. The place was in a bad and dangerous neighborhood and i didn't feel safe going there with him in the night. I told him this and he didn't care. My mother is angry at me because I didn't go with him. She said that family does things like that and i don't do anything to help out around here. Now I wanted to tell her everything i have done for her, but when i went to say it, I couldn't. She hurt me. Why can't she see that i love her, and how come what i do for her, she doesn't notice or appreciate.
  6. You will do great. the oral part is about your thesis and who will know your thesis better than u. Congradulation. U have accomplish what must people dream of especially myself. U will have a PHD at 25.
  7. DI93


    I may be reading to much into your post, but it sounds as if your are proud to be cheating on your husband. U told us your cheapers race and your husband. Why would you do that? U could have just wrote. I am 19 and cheated on my husband with two guys. Why tell us your race, your husband and the ones of the cheapers? Maybe your doing this to hurt your husband. Bring shame to him and his family. Unprotected sex means that u don't care about your body nor do u care about your husband. U could get pregnant and u won't know who the father is, but your husband will think it is his and love and care for that child. His family would love it. ( which in the guyanese traditional way, the most unthink crime against family. Leting your husband love another man's child) If u get an STD, then he will know and feel some sort of Shame. I know many Guyanese people and they don't like interacial marriages. They would literally disown their children. Talk behind their backs and certainly not make the person feel welcome in their family circle. Can this be a reason why your cheaping and hurting your husband, because they won't accept u becasue of your race. If i am wrong, i apologized. If i am right u need to talk to husband and maybe u both should move as far away from them as possible.
  8. I think that u are being used. It sounds like she hooked up with u because you could saved her, and gave her baby a family. She seems as if she doesn't want to gave up anything. She may be embarrass about your age difference and that is why, she hasn't introduce u to anyone. She may want her space and freedom, as well as, the security she and her baby needs. In other words, she is treating u as her parental authority. She is the teenage who wants to do whatever she wants. (irresponsbile young adult) Staying with u makes her responsible in the following way: U are the guy, notice i am not call u the love one because a person in love wouldn't treat u this way, that is providing a house, sercurity, and a father for her baby. My advice, stay away from 20 yrs olds female, they don't know what they doing, nor what they want. They are confused. yes the want to be responsbile and yes, they also want to talk and see whoever they want whenever they want. ( Bye the way I am in my early twenties, and this is how i feel, so please take that in consideration)
  9. Discipline is very difficult. If u decide u want to take the job, then set up class rules, and punishments, if not followed. Make sure it is something u can follow through with, such as a written assignment or detention. Class rule should be visible. Keep the students busy at all times and teach them something new everyday. Showed them that you care, but won't tolerate any disrespect towards u or your fellow students. Also, ask every teacher u met for their discipline technique. Maybe someone will have a great idea. Discipline is not my strength, but this philosophy has kept me out of trouble in that department for about 8 months. It did not work the last two weeks of school
  10. I am a teacher. I have been teaching for one year. I can tell u it is difficult and challenging by itself, let alone bringing your faults into it. When i told my parents that I was going to be a teacher, they laughed. My parents said that I wasn't a very patient person and sometimes it takes forever for my points to come accross (communication problems). This year was extremely difficult, but very rewarding. Don't worry about your shyness. U will be amazed of how rewarding and yes powerful, when a groups of kids are waiting to hear the next words out of your mouth. My advice, try it. If it doesn't work out, then don't renew your contact next year. If u don't try, then u mighty be pondering a what if question. U will never know if u can do it, unless u try . It feels great when u can overcome a weakness
  11. I am goint to tell u that i was in the same postion that u are in. I wanted to finish college, get a great job with good insurance. When I found out that i was pregnant, i was terrified beyond belief. I thought of very excuse in the book of why i could not have a baby. As soon as i found out, i looked for an abortion doctor. I never gave it a chance or thought about it living. When i went to get it adorted, i was cry histerically. Sitting there i was thinking about its life, about our life. We were going to be poor. I was going to work in a department store( that is were i worked at the time) my entire life. I was going to have two job so that it could go to a catholic school. I felt so alone, i knew that my parents would help. At thta time all i wanted was someone to tell me that everything was going to be Ok. In that moment i need faith, and i had none. i went through with it. It is the only thing that i have regretted in my life. There is not a day that goes by that i don't think about it. It would have been three this year. Fear or no fear, when u think of the child, your arms will be empty. I never heard of anyone who have said that i am glad that i aborted my baby.
  12. Ok i saw it. U're 19
  13. I am not sure how old u are, but i am going to say this because i have learned the hard way. U need to see a gynecologist if u are sexually active. There are alots of ways to get around the parents. First, create some kind of problem such as an infection, not to serious, that u will have to go see one. U can even ask your physician for the birthcontrol. By law they can't rebveal it to your parents, at least not in NY. if using parents' insurance, then make sure u collect that particular mail before it comes. I never seen a prescription bill come in the mail by the insurance company. The birth controll especially the patch was not that expensive more like $20 a month without any insurance
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