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  1. she didn't pick me.. it just happened. you don't really decide who you're going to like... it just happens.
  2. I did know the risks, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't just experimenting. If she had been experimenting, we would have kissed more than once or twice every week. (I saw her practically every day) I may seem like I'm in denial... but I dont know. I'm weird like that.
  3. the most recent one that broke up with me had been lesbian for years. I was actually the first (and only) boy she had ever been with =\
  4. She was lesbian when we started dating. For 2 months, she was bi. And then she broke up with me because I was a guy, and that was causing problems. 3 or 4 months later, she tells me that it was because I'm a guy. This is the second time this has happened to me. Why must I always attract lesbians?
  5. I'm not too good at conversation. It's not for lack of vocabulary, I just plain suck at saying things. It's like my mind is completely blank whenever someone is talking to me. If anyone has any tips on how to help with my conversational skills, I'd like to hear them. thanks.
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