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Posts posted by hurtandconfused

  1. Thanks Hope,

    Its so hard to bring up the subject of being with someone who is with someone without being judged.

    I have ignored 2 calls so far and dont know how many e-mails as have them blocked, but is quite liberating not checking every 2 mins!!!! But thanks again x

  2. Right have blocked e-mail address and my phone from recieving private numbers, need to go have a good cry I think, although I know he is using me, calling from private numbers and leaving after sex makes me feel horrible and the fact he has a family. Im not going to explain to him just do it.


    Think I may be a regular on here for a while!!!!

  3. Hi thanks for all your replys,

    nc hasnt really got off the ground yet, he has been round and said he would prefer we talk once a week rather than not at all, but when we are together its not like friends there is something more there and the inevitable happened....... which is really abad sign as after that I always get so attatched, just need the strengh to block his e-mail address and not answer my phone!!

  4. Thanks hope I guess I know all this really deep down, his daughter is adorable I dont want anything to hurt her or his girlfriend I guess if they split of there own accord then maybe I could but I really dont wantto be a deciding factor

  5. After an abusive relationship an old friend helped me out sorted me out got me a job etc this old friend happened to be my first crush.


    After about a year he started complaining about his girlfriend (same old thing I can hear you all sigh) but anyway one thing led to another. I loved him unconditionally, he ended up leaving and moving in with me which to be honest I didnt feel great about they have a child.

    I found ot he had lied to me about his girlfriend knowing etc. It was heartbreaking, the worst, I asked him to leave which he did stright back home, I did the whole begging thing but then left him alone for 8 mnths still I just know I dont want anyone else, I cant do it.


    Do you believe in meant to be? Thats what he asked me 3 weeks ago when I bumped into him. I never did before this, we were both shaking uncontrollably. We did end up sleeping together guess for acceptance. That wont happen again while hes in a relationship, Ive just sent him an e-mail cos he was askin hoe I felt see below


    'Ok babe you asked for it.

    How many people go thru life thinking I wish I would have, could have, should have. Its stupid you do what you feel is right at the time, and accept it or get stuck in it. I always think I shouldn't have asked you to go that time and that burnt for ages but Its one of them Things, there never is going to be a right time or if there was then its been and gone. I do agree that it maybe was meant to be at that time, but not anymore. Something wasn't right, wether it be in your heart or head. You know you here about people in there 60s hooking up with people from there past. I don't intend to do that who Im with is gonna be the one hopefully till I die. I'm glad your in my life now though. And you can talk to me if things get rough which hopefully they won't, but I wont be there for you jus in case your things go tits up. I still love you but its kinda changing to a different kinda love. Like ***** or ***** and that's good for me otherwise Id stay single or celibate forever…… Soppy enough for you ha'



    I obviously still really love him, but I cant cause anymore hurt to myself or her

    Please tell me what you think

  6. I was in a relationship like this for over 2 years and it is perfectly normal to miss him. I think with me because he treated me so badly when he called I felt I should be gratteful because I felt so rejected, and made me feel I was doing something wrong, I craved acceptance and attention from him. I did actually go back a number of times he never changed, until I looked at him one day and he made my stomach churn. I was advised to move away which I did.


    You are better than that never give up or give him chance to hurt you again

  7. Thanks Playbrat,


    I was just getting all emotional again, guess it must be too soon to even speak to him, but 8 mnths is ridiculous for getting over someone, especially when he comes out with lines like 'Its meant to be................, and I have to see him at a party this weekend.


    Do you think he will think any less of me for sleepuing with him? I dont want these mad two weeks to take anything awway from what was before

  8. Hi Everyone, I havent really been on here for a while, but I bumped into the ex a couple of weeks ago, and very quickly things got how they were before and we ended up in bed. I dont know why I let this happen, he is seeing someone, but I think it was beause he dumped me so badly I needed to feel wanted any thoughts?


    Anyway I sent him an e-mail and I told him it was obvious we couldnt be friends, that what happened shouldnt have happened that I think it was because I felt so horrible for the last 8 mnths, that it didnt make me feel better, and he hurt me too much to be friends. I miss him so much still now, Is this normal, is what i sent ok?

  9. Ill give you a quick breakdown, me and my ex split up 8 mnths ago it was horrible Id never felt like that before for someone we were together 2 yrs but turns out all he said was a lie, he was still seeing his baby mother and when he broke up with me he just ignored me, Ive never felt so bad I havent even been near another bloke since.


    Anyway 3 weeks ago I saw him he chased me in the car until I pulled over we were both shaking, while talking to each other. I dont know if its cos I felt so rejected after before that it happened he threw a bone and I ran after it, anyway I have just sent him a message


    ' Im really sorry that shouldnt have happened I guess when you feel so horrible and rejected after last time, you just want that person to want you back, but it doesnt make you feel better does it, I know you want to be friends but I cant you hurt me too much for that, Im sorry and you take care of yourself x '


    You know I think it hurts more now than before Im shaking and crying, do you think this is right what I sent, and how do I go about healing all over again?

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