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Posts posted by osewa77

  1. You know what you feel about the break-up which you apparently initiated. Do you know what your boyfriend feels about it? I feel that if both of you really feel like continuing with the relationship at this point its worth a try. Since you already know the difficulties involved you might be able to think of creative solutions to them. How far apart are both of you staying now?

  2. As everyone seems to agree, you should not allow her to lose you for whatever reason. Unless there isn't something else we don't know. If she has lost everybody else, she does not deserve to lose you. I don't know if we're getting through. The guys before me have said everything. You have to be there for her. Q E D. Be there as whatever you are permitted to be no matter how hard (friend, counselor, whatever). She doesn't want to spend the rest of her life alone because of these losses, does she? If your brain's telling you to leave its because of something we don't yet know. Tell us!

  3. I know you're also emotionally involved because he's your friend. I think you should be more of a listener in this situation. Just listen and offer advice (only if asked). All should be well in due course. Just listen, to both of them. Let them speak their minds, that's all. SHe won't do anything stupid if she get's really listened to.

  4. Actually, I think we need more information before we can talk:

      How old are they?

      Why did the guy decide to break up with her?

      Any useful thing you know but have not yet mentioned.


    If the girl has problems with depression, I think she needs more of a counselor than a boyfriend. She should be able to stand on her own. Wait a minute, what about you? You seem so concerned about her, so why don't you just remain there for her (or organize for some trusted female friends to do so) while this problem is yet to be resolved.


    The main issue is: does the boy have a good reason? If so, the only thing you can do is help/encourage/advice the girl to move on, make friends. By all means, if she needs a psychotherapist or has problems relating with her family you can advice her on what to do


    Hope this helps a bit. Please venture more info if you can.

  5. Its sensible to assume she had him in mind before she decided to break up with you since she started going out with him just one week after breaking up with you.


    I want you to consider something: did you have the kind of relationship that allows each partner to be honest? Perhaps she would have told you about it when she started getting attracted to the new guy. Try to base all new relationships on openness and honesty. Don't allow deception in any form anymore! Since you're angry with her, maybe getting the truth will help you to be less furious. At least you'll really know what went wrong...


    I sincerely hope you can get over it fully, and start a new relationship based on honesty.

  6. I am pathetic and worthless that is why he left me for her. I will always love this guy and he will be forever happy and in love with her. I'll never be the same.


    Don't worry too much about what they think about you. What matters is your ability to move on! If writing a letter expressing how you really feel will make you feel better (and it should), then go for it! I know its safe to allow things to just go on the way they have been for five months, but I hope you can wake up one morning and say "I've had enough". Its risky but worth it.


    If you love him, then you should want whatever makes him happy. If being with her makes him happy, fine! Fine!! You are not pathetic and worthless, you only feel that way. When you move on, you'll feel better! I know the feeling although my "situation" was different. Its ok to love this guy, but soon you might find someone else you love much more who won't leave you for someone else.


    Take the risk of climbing out of where you are. Trust me, its worth it. I agree with Nico's strong suggestion. Whatever you decide, its ok for you to express more of your feeling here; we'll be e-listening.


    YOU can climb out if you take the risk. Its worth it

  7. Hi,


    She's put you in a game situation. I believe your next move in her game is to ask her as if you really expect her to say yes! Good luck.


    Beynd the prom night, what do you have in mind concerning this girl?



  8. Hey!


    Beyond sleeping together, what does your relationship involve? When you say you're serious, soes it mean you plan to get married? Would your boyfriend still like you if reduce the sex or stop it entirely?


    WHy don't you try to build a relaionship that is basd on something more? Something much more than sex?


    (by the way, all protection techniques involve at least a small element of risk. Its possible for your partner to have HIV; it doesn't show up in tests for 3 months. WHy not spend the time building a REAL relationship? Something built on friendship and unselfish love? Think about it and respond, please)

  9. I'm so sorry about what happened. Sometimes life is just not fair, and all we have to do is make the most of it! I'm sure sometimes the pain is crippling, but please try to forget all about him. Maybe you need to write him a long final letter explaining your feelings in full and wishing him luck in his new endeavours... Maybe you'll find someone else when you find the courage to stop being controlled by the deep pain you must be feeling, and start appreciating other things about your life. One thing is, you'll discover that this thing will make you a little bit smarter.


    Maybe he'll discover how much he needs you later on. THen again, maybe not. But you'll never know until you decide to move on.

  10. I think the greates mistake people make in dating is to depend on 'fireworks'. Often its nothing more than sexual attraction.


    A really great friendship that is built into a "something more" relatioship is something that can last a lifetime. Instead of fireworks that burn in a few months you can have a slow burning fire that lasts forever, gradually increasing in intensity until it becomes a white hot flame.


    In other words, if bopth of you are available go for it and let things move along gradually. Think marriage, think gradual increase in intimacy. What do you think now?

  11. I have a secret method you can use to find out if he like you. JUST ASK HIM


    Very simple, isn't it? Ask him if he likes you and all will be well. I suppose you're rather young, so you really dont need a steady relationship yet. Just get to be friends with him, enjoy doing things together while you still like each other.



  12. Hi


    I think I know a little bit of how it feels. Perhaps you just need to cool down, allow her to say what she really has in mind. Two clear facts you should bear in mind:

    - You feel this way partly because she is your "one and only"

    - The world is a big place, there can be others if necessary

    - You will not get anywhere by putting pressure on her.


    Please try to calm down. This is my first post so I doubt its value.

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