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Posts posted by providentielle

  1. Time will tell. Crushes pass but love lingers. I am a believer though that when you love someone you know it, that every fibre of your being screams it. Love isn't someone you can live with, it's someone you cant live without.

  2. Do you want to get back with this girl? Or do you just want her to want you again so you can be the one who leaves her? You need to be sure about what you want before you can decide what you should do. The truth is though, if she loves you and wants to be with you then making yourself a challenge, or not, will make no difference. Good luck

  3. DN, how can the person dating the married person be as much in the wrong? I dont agree with people doing this but I do think the one who is married or in a relationship is more at fault than the person who is single.

  4. The fact that you have felt like this for some time has made this overheard comment affect you. As you said, this wouldn't normally be something that you would take to heart but because it was something you felt insecure about it affected you more. I can bet that not everyone feels that way, it will often just be your perception and how you feel. Your friends are your friends and I am sure they would be upset if they realised how you felt. They may just have been being friendly, I often talk to my friends family, I feel I know them better through knowing their family and it is really nice for everyone to get on and I like to be able to share stories and be close to people who also care about the people I care about. Try to remember that they probably dont all feel this way, put it to the back of your mind and enjoy your frienships and your relationship with your sister. Good luck

  5. There's no magic cure or secret get over them strategy. All you can do is give it time. But use the time wisely, spend time with people who you admire and who value you, it will help you see that the relationship did not end because of the person you are, it will make you feel good about yourself again and time passes quicker when you are not sitting at home brooding. Start to be your own person again, remember who and what you were and things that were important to you that are still yours, even though so much else has changed. Do things you have always wanted to do, go plaes you have always wanted to go. I can't say if or when you wont think about her but it does get easier and you do start to realise that although it was so awful at first, the relationship made you who you are and it was so worthwhile, you will remember without hurting or feeling resentful and in time you will have another relationship that will work because of what this one taught you. Good luck and all the best.

  6. Hate to be harsh but if you really loved him then you wouldn't have done that, I dont think. Also, you said you wouldn't hurt him intentionally? so you kissed this other guy accidentally? For 15mins? After thinking about it for 5mins first?.........

  7. This sounds like a very difficult situation, not only do you have to deal with the feelings you have for your wife but also the child you have brought up together and the implications a split would have on you seeing her. I presume that the medication will be a big factor in how your wife feels now and the decisions she is making, but unfortunately there is nothing you can do right now to change how she feels. I can only imagine how hard it will be but I think she could do with some time to let her medication take its full effect and to have the chance to work out how she really feels. You can only do so much and the rest is in her hands. I know that must be a scary prospect because it means you have to step back but there is a proverb, if you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you it is yours, if it does not, then it never was. Also, if you try to hold onto something too tightly, that is often when it slips through your fingers. Good luck

  8. This must be so frustrating for you, you have been strong for 6 weeks then something happens that makes you feel like you did back at the start. It might be a blessing you didn't talk, try to turn it into something positive. Remember that you have moved on and dont need him, the best way to stop him getting to you is put it behind you, pretend it didnt happen and dont let this encounter make you feel how you did 6 weeks ago all over again.

  9. Every relationship is different so I dont think there is a "normal" amount of time to spend together. Relationships also go through phases so what is normal one month may be different from another month and you may spend more or less time together as a relationship progresses. I lived an hour away from my boyfriend and we spent pretty much all our time together when I wasn't working but now we are in a ldr (since feb) and haven't seen each other for weeks. We have been going out for 3 and a half years though and have spoken on the phone EVERY DAY for over 3 years, even when we are in different countries. So everyone is different, dont worry too much about it, just do what feels right.

  10. If you want to let her know you are there if/when she needs you why not email her? It gives you the chance to say everything you want without interruption and she can read it over in her own time. I dont believe that there is only one person out there who is perfect for you but if you love her then I guess time will tell if that is enough to overcome the problems she is having. I do know that we tend to feel very strongly about people and that our feelings are all consuming, you know how you feel and whether or not this is a relationship with a future, but you should give it a chance if that is what you want, otherwise you will always wonder. I hope it all works out for you. Good luck

  11. My aunt and uncle met when they were 13 and are still together more than 40 years later. I alos know people who I was at school with who have managed to make their relationships last through leaving school and going to uni, I think that if the relationship is strong enough it can survive anything. Don't worry to much or think too much about it going wrong though, just enjoy yourself and be happy, thats likely to help you survive college more than worrying about it will! Good luck

  12. You have to decide what you want more. Is his friendship more important or is a relationship with him? A friendship is likely to last longer, though you could possibly stay friends after a relationship but I think it changes things. You need to discuss it and be sure about how you both feel and what would happen if it didn't work out. Good luck

  13. It is natural for you to care about this girl, once someone gets into our hearts i dont think they ever completely leave. Having gone a period of time without contact then having her appear in your life again in some form must be very confusing, it can be hard to tell what you really feel now from remnants of feelings you had before, seeing the picture of her shows you that things have changed and highlight the fact that your lives are no longer entwined, the realisation of that can be hard to get your head round. As Charlotte said this girl will be going through a lot now and for her sake I think you should maintain a degree of distance, battling with an eating disorder must be difficult enough without trying to deal with your feelings and her own as well. It is hard because when you care about someone you want to help them but maybe the best thing is for you to give her space. It seems that she could contact you if she needed your help but for now she needs to put herself first and try to cope with her illness. Good luck

  14. I don't think you need to ask if you should be mad about these things. If you are mad, you are mad, it's how you feel and you can't change it. It would be nice if we could all have compltee control of how we feel, it would make life so much simpler! But unfortunately, we can't. All we can do is deal with the feelings we have as best as possible. If he is doing things that make you unhappy I suggest you talk to him. It's a scary prospect, i know. You don't want to come accross in the wrong way and there's so much to worry about how he will react to what you say, but you need him to know how you feel and you need to know if he can be more appropriate towards these other girls. In the long run it's better to know sooner rather than later what's going on with him. Good luck.

  15. Why are you waiting for her to contact you? It sounds like you are hoping she will change her mind and you can be a couple again, but I cant see how that will help. If she has made it clear that she does not want a relationship you need to start putting yourself first. If you cant just be friends right now then tell her and she will have to respect that. You can only start to get over her using no contact when you come to terms with the fact that you will not be together again. It's only when you realise there is no hope that you can do that. I know how much this hurts now and how you want so much to be with her again and only time and distance can make you feel any better. Good luck

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