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  1. Yeah I'm fully aware of the age gap and how it can play out down the road. Thing is, when you're really into someone, it kinda overrides everything else. I'm fairly comfortable in my set-up and life right now. Most of my friends are settled down with families and kids and I can't say that I'm really envious of them tbh and I've been doing well dating these past few years. Longest relationships were for over four years (twice) and I've been seeing the current gf for two years. I know it's not right on several fronts but I would give anything to have a chance with my housemate, however unlikely it is.
  2. Thanks. Went out last night so just a hangover on the agenda for today!
  3. The guy she's going out with is 6 years older, 28, though still a whole decade younger than me. I'll survive, it doesn't feel great at all that she's spending the weekend in another man's place, but I'll just have to mourn in silence...
  4. She didn't didn't come home last night. Nothing unusual given she has a boyfriend but I always bump into her on a Saturday morning. I guess things have changed and I must accept this. But, damn, it kinda hurts right now...💔
  5. She's constantly moving, has done most of her life and even intimated that she was thinking about it fairly recently. It's not so much an assumption as an evidence based opinion - having said that, I'd preferred she stayed and don't wish to put her in a position where she felt she needed to move out because of me.
  6. No, it's not a trophy girlfriend thing or merely down to looks - there's a lot more to it than that.
  7. It's hard to know. She makes a beeline for the living room when she knows I'm there and spends hours telling me about her life as well as lots of texts etc. There's never been anything suggestible though and I wouldn't have thought she'd be looking at making a move before me even if she had thought about it.
  8. I really like her, both physically and personality wise. If she liked me, that would be great though while we're obviously at different stages of our lives, I'm in no real rush on the family front. It would be great to experience it happen but I certainly won't push anything. Yeah, I suppose it would make me envious to see her bringing guys back and as her housemate, I'd have to suck it up! If it became too much, I could always move out, worse things happen at sea.
  9. Thanks for a reasoned post and I would like to think that I'm not in the creep category! You're correct - I do like her and the best way to show this is to treat her with dignity and respect and que sera, sera.
  10. I never wanted to see whether she'd move out - that's the opposite of what I want. It might just be the upshot of an untenable living situation were something like that to happen.
  11. I think this is a little harsh and the joke may have been slightly made in bad taste but was completely meant as a joke.
  12. I know exactly where you're coming from though to be honest, the age gap doesn't seem really apparent, to myself anyway, when we're hanging out. She has an old head on young shoulders and is very easy to converse with, unlike a lot of young people I might come across.
  13. Yes, I do actually care about her and we spend hours some evenings chatting about everything and anything. While she is very attractive physically, I'm more attracted to her personality which I think is really great. Thanks for your kind words and whatever happens, I'll keep on moving and stay positive.
  14. Yes. It just seems extreme to move out and then ask when the answer will probably be a resounding no anyway. I'll just have to wait until she moves out. Or get her drunk some evening (joke 🤪).
  15. The situation isn't untenable at present. I've been here years and she tends to travel a lot, moving from country to country so it's never felt like she'd be here long term, her name's not on the lease either.
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