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Posts posted by kim42

  1. My mom used to work with recruiters a lot as part of her job. She said the problem with recruiters is that their main goal is to have a file cabinet full of job candidates so that they can market themselves to their true clients: the hiring companies.


    Recruiters will entice you with potential jobs so that you give them more information about yourself. They add your information to a giant database of other job candidates so that can show companies how many resources they have.


    They can definitely get you a job, but they also blow a lot of smoke up your ass. You have to take everything they say with a grain of salt, but they can work for you.


    I also have a friend who is between jobs half the time. She interacts with recruiters when she hunts for jobs and I usually hear stories of her frustrations during these times.


    I've had a couple experiences with recruiters that weren't great. Pointless phone calls that I stopped attempting to return. They were just sniffing around for information, like my mom said. And I had a job, so I didn't need to entertain that nonsense.


    The worst was when a couple recruiters actually called my office looking for me, right after I started a brand new job. The receptionist finally asked me point blank why I had recruiters calling me at my job!


    I couldn't explain it, and I didn't want my new employers to think that this was just a temporary gig for me. After some thought, I realized that my LinkedIn profile said that I was open to new opportunities.


    I'd had that checked off for years without incident. I guess that when the economy was in the tank, it wasn't a big deal because no one was looking. But when the economy picked up, recruiters really seized on that stuff. So, I unchecked the box.


    I thought that calling me at my job was beyond brazen. They could have totally jeopardized my employment.


    Anyway, about a year later, I had to field measure an office space for future renovation. It was a head-hunter office and it was filled with people sitting at desks, cold calling people for job opportunities!




    It was really funny being a fly on the wall in that environment. They're all right out of college, maybe 25-30 years old, no real experience. But when they're on the other side of the phone, you don't know that and they sound like they could actually be authorities on the matter.


    Well, they're not authorities! They're just a bunch of kids in a holding pen, trying to make a buck.


    This was really interesting to read, I always dealt with professional recruiters, this was an exception I guess :eek:

  2. What is a HR consultant? Do you mean job recruiter? Is this your current HR or a place you are applying to? If it's someone actually at the place you are applying perhaps it won't be a good fit. If it's just some headhunter, get rid of them. They are basically just sales people on a commission.

    I applied for this job like a month ago. Yes he's a recruiter, it says HR consultant on his profile. It doesn't sound like a good fit to be honest, I don't mind having interviews at 3 am because of the time difference, but his first voicemail was already a little aggressive.

  3. I had a weird experience with a HR consultant. He tried to called me and sent me an email. The email was okay but left a voicemail that was a little weird, he said something like he couldn't understand why I wasn't answering the phone. So I replied to his email that he could call me the next day at 10 am. He never confirmed, ended up calling much later and then sent me a rude email that apparently I am available only once per day. I never experienced this kind of behavior 😮

  4. I gave a note to a hot girl at the gym this morning with the name of the cafeteria outside of the gym and a time. I figured there was a 2% chance to come. Well, I have been waiting for 25 minutes so far so we can safely say i am on the 98 % side. Hahahaha. I do enjoy my cappuccino though :)


    Let us know if she showed up after all :stung:

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