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Posts posted by kim42

  1. Thank you for asking! Feeling better today -but I feel like my "feeling better" days are kind of random and I also have random sadness, atypically. Menopause? Pandemic related? Both? Who knows. I basically made my son go outside just now -he resists partly because of fears of the virus but it will be too hot later so I "made him". I do feel things loosening up here somewhat -some stores require masks, some not, I am in no situations where I otherwise need a mask. For stores that require it I comply every single time. I wear one to the store that doesn't in case it is crowded. I am still making sure I don't eat treats more in response to this situation -that's a little hard between my son graduating and this "holiday" weekend.


    One of my friends drove with her son to a beach community yesterday to rent a small carriage house without a fridge for 4 days. Curious to see how it goes -from what I can see it looks quite crowded. Her son is 10.


    I actually had random moments of sadness and feeling okay during the lockdown too. I remember I would cry for no apparent reason a few times. I am sure I ate too many treats, like I didn't eat too much, but I was buying too much chocolate :eek:


    Once I spent 2 nights at this cheap hotel and I couldn't find the fridge when I first entered our room, it freaked me out :D

  2. Hey friends, and happy Sunday! I am still working from home, the strict lockdown has been uplifted over here, so I got my nails done this week, and I went for a stroll with my friend. Shopping malls are now open. I try to avoid big crowds though. Masks are obligatory in public transport. And I also went to M&S:D

  3. Hey friends, hope everyone is well out there. I've been working extra hours while working from home. The lockdown will be over on May 11 in my city. I'll be still working from home. I miss my family. And cookies from M&S.

  4. I'm feeling okay, trying to keep myself busy, I went to the grocery store today, some people were not wearing face masks. Phone calls and video chats help me to get through this lockdown, but I do miss going out and just my daily routine. I'm also trying to avoid reading too much about covid19 on facebook, some people are going overboard with their questions.

  5. Hi everyone this group is a great idea! I'm in Western Europe and my country went into lockdown recently we can only go out for a valid reason. I am working form home, took extra hours to keep myself busy, I miss the social contact though. My early April trip has been cancelled, I am a little sad about it, but I know it's necessary. I wish people would take it more seriously, at least in my city.

  6. How did this recruiter come across you? Hopefully you have a LinkedIn profile with a good head shot, your education, experience, affiliations, etc listed as well as an up to date resume on hand if you are looking for jobs. Particularly if you are looking to relocate.


    Make sure you upload your contact lists and start making "connections" with friends, coworkers, former coworkers, alumni, etc. Try to apply for positions directly with the companies you are interested in. Unfortunately many recruiters are not much better than used car salesmen.

    I applied for a job, then he contacted me via phone and email, and he also viewed my profile on LinkedIn. I believe my profile is pretty good, all information is updated, the photo is a standard one. This wasn't a random recruiter, I was actually interested in the job, but his behavior was strange, usually recruiters are nice and flexible, not passive-aggressive.

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