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  1. I have gotten my surgey on my Ureter tubes. And the surgen kept it confidential. But when my mom changed my gown she saw and said she already saw it and she wasnt made. I have Officially stopped thanks alt guys, you help me a bunch
  2. I want to get help because people blame what happens to me on my parents, Its not my parents fault. so i wanna stop, but its like an addiction,im really trying to stop, i seriously am soo hard
  3. oooooh yea thats true, i thought about committing suicide but i didnt thats when she told. ok i get it now, but my school councilor is weird, but ill try talking to her. ill try facing her
  4. I have a councilor but she tells my parents everything, she scarys me. My parents already know that i did it once i dont want them finding out again theyd be heart broken
  5. I hate cutting myself, but yet i do it. Im getting surgery in a few weeks and i just cut myself last night. I need help i wanna stop cutting so bad i try but i cant. Im to shy to go to anyone, and scaried that my surgen will see what ive done to myself. I want to talk to some one help me stop please. [/b]
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