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  1. I think the bad boy thing is just a phase, but we really want a relationship with a sweet guy. I like confident guys but not coc ky just self confidence- guys who know who they are and happy with who they are, bc if they are happy with who they are they are most likely more positive and fun to be around
  2. I like what someone said about our souls becoming part of the universe again because that is what I think happens.
  3. I think I can. I think I can" over and over. Even better, "I KNOW I can." and also "just keep swimming just keep swimming" is helpful too even if it is from finding Nemo!
  4. you are really brave for reporting it! hope you are doing better
  5. I bit off the topic, but i saw a study done on tv, where they got this guy to smell sweat of 5 different girls, and the sweat he liked the most was the one he had the most different DNA with and the one he liked the least he had the most common DNA with. So maybe its all in the genes?
  6. in the end the evil guys finish last. bad things happen to good people, but bad things happen to bad people to. It may seem that the evil guys are always getting their own way, but in the end it will come back to them. And at the end of the day you have to look at yourself in the mirror.
  7. I think you can do it anonymously, but not sure I found a number in NT for sexual assault referral centre with 24 hour access to information regarding the medical, legal and counselling / support options available (maybe you can ask them?) and its confidential Darwin phone: 89 227 156. there are other places you can call phone Springs 89 515 880 (during working hours) Darwin - Ruby gaea 89 450 155 katherine 89 710 777
  8. just talk to her tomorrow so you have someone close to you to talk about it. I have to go now, my sister needs to use the computer but good luck
  9. maybe just talk to her then and she will know what to do
  10. good idea, maybe you can ask her to go with you?
  11. but he must want to if he offered it. just dont tell them he is there to see you. just say he is visiting relatives or is on a holiday? have you tried talking to your aunty again?
  12. let him help you, he must really care for you if he wants to fly here to be with you! it is really hard to deal with on your own and he would be good support
  13. it is still brave though even though it is annnonymous, to talk about it, and its only natrual to be scared. and it will probably take some time to report it, just take your own time when you are ready
  14. tell them that then, that your scared. you are not weak at all! You are very brave to ask help from us considering what you have been through
  15. doesnt matter if you dont have the clothes, there is still a point in reporting even without evidence, so they know that a rapist is out there, especially in a small town like yours
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