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Everything posted by SuperDave71

  1. kickedin, How are you doing out there? -SuperDave71
  2. thouse, You can only worry about you. Alot of times people stick around in limbo just waiting for something to happen. It eventually does, but NOT in your favor. You continue to be you and move forward. Never rely on waiting for someone to change their ways. Always go with WHAT you know rather than what you hope. I wish you the best.. -SuperDave71
  3. Hiya Lady00, So you are feeling better? -SuperDave71
  4. WELCOME BACK TJ!!!! and thank you! -SuperDave71
  5. Woman, YOu are most welcome.... Actions speak louder than words.....Don't give him the satisfaction of using you.. Cut him off completely!!!!! -SuperDave71
  6. Husk, Give her exactly what you said you were going to give her....time and space. If you give her anything else right now, it may be the very thing you do that pushes her away. -SuperDave71
  7. asdfg123, Take the focus off you ex..... "Run your own race..." We believe in you!! -SuperDave71
  8. Husk, Did she reply to your comments? Has she tried to contact you in any way? -SuperDave71
  9. Steve, Hey there....I am sorry she left. Can you explain why she left? -SuperDave71
  10. Rochelle, It is hard. You must make a decision whether to allow him to contact you or not. How do you expect to heal if he keeps throwing salt? -SuperDave71
  11. GetUpKid, How are you doing out there? -SuperDave71
  12. I am soooo grabbing duct tape for Smickey!!! Welcome back Smickey! -SuperDave71
  13. Sometimes you can't look at it as negative...but positive. If you think about it like this... If you love them.....and I mean truly love them.....you will let them go because you do love them and want them to be happy. Of course it still hurts but sometimes we must let go in order to love again. Mother's watch their children or child grow...then they eventually leave the "nest" praying that they are safe, happy and find what it is they want in this short life we have. Maybe we can learn to wave back while saying..."I love you...and I always will,.....you have touched my heart in so many ways that other's ever could. I wish you the best no mater where you go....and I hope you find happiness." It's called unconditional love..... Your Friend, SuperDave71
  14. You guys keep up the good work! I konw its difficult but I want you all to know you can DO IT!! -SuperDave71
  15. GRABBING THE DUCT TAPE FOR S. KEN!!!!!! -SuperDave71
  16. Welcome to the First day of the rest of your life!!! -SuperDave71
  17. Andy, You did this yourself....NOT me. You are the one that deserves credit for your accomplishment! NOT me I wish you the best in all that you do....I am here if you need me. Your Friend, SuperDave71
  18. Congrats ANDY!!! And welcome to waterbaby07!!! We got ya covered!!! -SuperDave71
  19. CrapAtNC, If you are doing NC to get her back...you will fail. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you are wasting time. NC...is for you to get YOU back. If you respond to ANY of her messages...you are NOT implementing NC at all. NO CONTACT is NOT CONTACT.....period. If you learn NOTHING from your mistakes....and just HOPE that NC will allow her to miss you....she comes back let's assume... It will fail....It woudl be like driving a car on a flat tire....sure you can...but it is only a matter of time before it rips, shreads, and falls off completely. -SuperDave71
  20. DUNZO.... Quit making excuses.......JUST DO IT!!! -SuperDave71
  21. Cartoons, You are most welcome. I hope you start feeling better soon. -SuperDave71
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