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  1. I just woke up in the middle of the night. I'm feeling that thing again. I don't know what you are doyng and I cannot understand why you do it, but I can't afford to feel like this anymore. I will not check it up. I will not look. I will forget everything about you. I wil not feel this kind of pain anymore.
  2. Why am I such a masochist? Why do I feel like I'm obsessed with you? Why can't you just leave my head and heart, let me be and just become history..? Why do I love you so much? Why can't I get some closure and just move on with my life?? I wish there was some answer to sooth my heart, to easy the pain... I can't let go of what we wre supposed to be, what we could be. Why did you have to cut me off of your life like that? Why didn't you chose the real thing? Was there any truth on anything you ever said? Did you really ever loved me or was just because you didn't care and was comfortable like that? Why do I keep torturing myself?!??!?? Did you ever care at all....?
  3. Will this ever be over?!?!? How could you, really, how could you? How could I..? ...
  4. I was the best person you could possibly have in your life and you know that.
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