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  1. I had a similar situation once and it turned out that it was only relationship stress making me late! You said you took the test, and if it's positive good luck. Don't get uptight until you know there is something going on.
  2. If she has a restraining order against you and she says she's knowingly moving accross the street from you, go to your attorney and tell him/her exactly what happened.
  3. Also, if I'm reading your posts correctly, your gf is still in hgh school, and you are an adult? That's asking for trouble right there! Even if you are only 21, when you discussed going to her proms and with her when she's getting her drivers license, well you do that in my state at 16. If you are 21 and she's 16, where on earth are her parents? To me I think you had too much of an age difference at the wrong time: i.e. one of you is an adult, and the other is still a child.
  4. I didn't see that you had told how old you both are? When a young woman or young man cheat on their SO, it can be simply a symptom of relationship immaturity. I suspect that is what this is. Next time, you will know that when someone cheated their way out of their former relationship, they will likely do that to you as well, and you won't go out with them. You will wait for another girl to come your way....
  5. Are you sure these "wants" are really not just a sign that you want complete control in your relationship? I'm thinking this is a sign, not necessarily the guy you need. A guy who'd give it all up for you would wind up with your disrespect, admit it! Savannah
  6. Don't sleep with this turkey! He's using you for sex, and he's going to find another girl to date if he hasn't already. Leave him alone and if you see him in the hallways don't say anything. Savannah
  7. How old is your father? Does he have normal hearing? Has he ever been psychiatrically hospitalized? Does he accuse your mom of cheating? Has he ever cheated on her that you know of? Savannah
  8. When I was 13 years old I met Miss Cook. She was 87 and had never been married, and when I asked her why she responded that she never found anyone to marry. I've seen recently up close and personal how much trouble you can cause yourself by marrying to be married. One of my pals did it, and it ended in divorce within ONE month. So, I'm not the type to just jump into marriage for the sake of such. I don't believe my age is pertinent to this discussion, although I'm probably older than you think. So no I'm not 25 and bemoaning my single fate! Sigh.
  9. Cosmo had an article in the last few years about which ex's you could keep in your life and which were so toxic that you had to let go. I think they said the hook up ex was problematical because your connection was physical and that was hard to change. I fell for this guy online and had to let him go because it turned out that his only feelings for me were *erotic* as he termed it. It sounds like this fella is doing the same thing to you. I hope you dump him pdq.
  10. But I can't seem to do it! I'm really upset. So much of my adult life I've spent alone and I wanted to make some changes, but this finding a mate is something that I cannot dictate nor do alone. I'm having a birthday today and it's bringing it all into sharp focus. While I believe that I can find someone, I haven't. Sigh. Does anyone else feel this way? Savannah
  11. Really. A new job sounds like the best idea here. I would, at the risk of sounding reactionary, caution you against going into a restaurant where it's privately owned for a ton of reasons. You may not like corporate restaurants, but they have advantages, like benefits, rules the management has to follow and you can transfer if you decide to move. Start looking today, and see if any of the corporate entities that we all adore are hiring!
  12. At the risk of being unkind, you have been very honest about your feelings, but what they show is still some immaturity and inexperience. I think you need to get into counseling to straighten this all out. You should also stop drinking right away. It seems to me that you are using it as a crutch to express how you are feeling to her, and she probably experiences that as hurtful and abusive. I'm guessing that's a big part of the reason she wants to leave you. #1: Get into counseling, not as a couple especially, but simply for you. #2: Quit drinking. #3: Take a good look in the mirror before you start judging her by her looks. Are you Nick Lachey? I can guess not.
  13. If your new spouse has a baby on the way with another woman that he never told you about? I know you can do it with insanity! Is lying about children another case? Any divorce experts out there?
  14. You are going with a blame the victim mentality. I think you should just forget about the past. Who you are today and who you were yesterday could be two different things. Do you always worry so much? It's not like you are going to marry this chick and leave her in charge of a fortune that she might let her next lovers fritter away after you die, is it? So be still! Savannah
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