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  1. well.. i noticed that my gf's period was really late the first time we had sex, the second time.. it was a little less late.. and so on so forth. i think for a woman.. having sexual intercourse changes or at least fluctuates their cycle a bit? well, now she's pretty much like clockwork.. 1-2 days off =\
  2. Boy, oh boy, that was a constructive remark.
  3. i heard that long time use of a bc pill can harm a girl's body and/or reproductive.. potential? is that true? what side effects can happen as a result of long time use of the pill?
  4. 18 and you want to get pregnant? I know.. i'm younger than you are, but that means you'd have to be pregnant through college... my close friend had to go through that with his fiance in college.. it's not even impossible, in his own words it was "suicide inducing" and it takes the average couple 6 months to conceive? is this.. without any protection and the guy ejaculating inside of his lover? huh?
  5. Do you think that I would need to take her to get emergency contraception in regards to my situation? i pulled out well before i released, and i was fully out of her whole pubic region.... i read ur older post about your friend... i'm hoping (i know i could have prevented this) that the vagina's natural acidity kills anything else.. whatever may come out during sex can't be anything compared to actually fully ejaculating inside a girl, can it?
  6. june, i hope.. that your friend's luck applies to my situation.. just once. Yes, Jonny is rolling his eyes as he read this, but I've known my gf for a very long time, as the closest friend that I had. I had dated her friend for over 2 years, but things.. just didn't feel right the whole time. I wouldn't say it wasted 2 years of my life, but I didn't want to lose my virginity to her, yea.. I'll put it like that =\ And my current gf and I have only been a "couple" for a few months, but we are sexually active and have unprotected sex for like 3 hours.. every chance we get (her mom is like a prison warden so she doesn't get to see me too often, especially since its summer). i would never get close to ejaculating at all, i'd let her have her orgasms and what not, but i wouldn't let myself get close at all while i was inside her. but this time, I don't know, i felt the urge and i pulled out immediately. I know it's not good to have unprotected sex period, but she's clean, i'm clean and we were both virgins. the reason that we didn't use condoms is because she says it feels much better raw. she needs to go on the pill.. i guess i'll withhold on her until she starts taking it.
  7. My mother had me when she was 35, I am an only child, this was 17 years ago by the way. I feel really awkward talking about myself in this context, but whatever I can do to help you I will.. Um, the doctors, I'm pretty sure, did not consider me to be a high risk pregnancy. However, both my mother and father's stature's were small.. (asians) but, I was.. quite big. I couldn't be "birthed" naturally, yes that big. I don't have anything like ADHD or anything like that. However, when was about 1-2 yrs. old I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid (the gland located next to your asophogas(sp) that provides for growth at younger ages, and keep some sort of hormone that controls bodily fuctions balanced as one gets older). It's definitely not a big inconvenience, I just have to pop one tiny pill once a day, every day. But I know of people that have that same problem even when the mothers were much younger. Basically, ma'am (jk) it's up to you because it would depend on how well you took care of your body and how your health has been throughout life. Contemporary medicine is truly amazing, it will be there to back you up. =)
  8. I've found a Planned Parenthood Facility near by.. and I think that that would be the best option.. I've known my gf for over 5 years.. and we've just started dating this past April.. yes it sounds bad that we're already sexually active.. but we figured there aren't anymore "steps" that need to be taken in our relationship because we've already gone through most of them through our friendship earlier.. as for the doctor.. I'm sure they have a gynocologist.. but I know it's a Vietnamese doctor.. and I'm sorry, but vietnamese people in general believe that their own beliefs are above any law, the second my gf asked for pills, they would call her mother in a heart beat. asians.... =\ I was reading this clinic's site.. and they have emergency contraception... what exactly does that involve? If my gf has to go through it, I think that I should know what is involved in the process also..
  9. since you're under 18.. did your parents have to like.. give permission or anything? 'cause... my gf's mom isn't too fond of her even dating.. let alone us being sexually active.
  10. How much do birth control pills cost? And do they need parental permission to take them? I heard that some clinics give them out for free.. if anyone live in the virginia 22150 area and knows of one.. please let me know.
  11. Um.. my gf and I have had unprotected sex about twice now.. and I always pulled out at least 5 - 10 seconds before I release.. I just let it go on the small of her back or something.. and then wipe all that off.. but she isn't on the pill.. I'm not worried about STD's really.. because no one in my family had them and the same with her.. and we lost our virginity to each other.. but.. what is the likelihood of her being pregnant? I have never released inside of her.. btw we're both 17.
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