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Everything posted by Andrina

  1. So happy for you. New adventures, endless possibilities. I have 4 years left to get 30 year pension. I'm the type of person who has to be out of the house at least 4 hours a day, so I plan to work at a less stressful job and/or do some volunteering that regularly takes me out of the house. I get too bored staying home all day, even though I do write novels as a hobby. I might work at the library. I might volunteer at a nearby group home for children who are temporarily there while awaiting foster homes. I have my bucket list of places to visit, like Alaska. Sometimes it's fun to learn a new language if you're thinking of visiting another country in the future. My friend volunteers on a horse farm where kids with disabilities get to ride the horses. I used to be a docent at the zoo when I had time. There are also museum docent volunteers. You might want to even start your own Meetup.com group. Enjoy!
  2. Why do you want to do it anonymously? My advice is to join a writer's group in your area. I belong to one for novel writing. Many eyes and viewpoints can help eek out the best in your work.
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