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ToxiC SweateR

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Everything posted by ToxiC SweateR

  1. Another good thing would be to go to a local arts and crafts store and pick up a bag of rose pedals. She'll like that.
  2. Put on some Barry White. I know it sounds corny as hell, but trust me, it'll set the mood. Light a few candles too. I know it's somewhat "stereotypical" for someones first time, but you guys want it to be special, right?
  3. But how would I go about ending it? Just walk up and say "we're through"?
  4. Start with the small talk. Though it may be "cheap," it can create the foundation for conversation
  5. I know I should try and talk to her about it, but I'm afraid that she might get upset because I went through her messages.
  6. I think the attraction between me and my girlfriend of 6 months may be gone. Recently, I was browsing through her phone looking for some cool games to play (we are, or used to be, very open with our feelings; we'd let eachother read eachothers mail, text messages, etc.). Anyways, while I was browsing through her phone, I found some texts...No big deal right? Since we've always been so open and honest to eachother, I decided to read it. I then became overcome with a feeling of anger, sadness, and question. The texts were talking about how she was going to break up with me because (and i quote), "the relationship is boring" and she also said that I "loved her too much." So, after reading those, I went a little further. I found messages of her PROMISING her ex-boyfriend that she'd come and visit as soon as possible (she claims that she absolutely hates him). What's wrong here? Does this mean the end? Or is it just meaningless text messages? I want to believe that everything is okay, but I can't go on knowing that it's not. Please help me out here...Any advice is appriciated. -Andy
  7. ok this may sound like a stupid question, but can you have your period if you're pregnant?
  8. but if not pregnancy, what would be causing the missing period??
  9. I'm having a mental breakdown. A couple of weeks ago, (not sure on the date,) my girlfriend and I were at her house. We went to her bed, stripped down to nothing, and attempted anal sex. Though we did not have anal sex, nor did my penis go inside of her, I felt the tip of my penis touch her vagina on accident. At the time, I thought nothing of it, but she hasn't had her period since! Though I didn't notice any pre-cum, I've heard that just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there. Is she pregnant? She hasn't had her period, and alot of the signs that show someone is pregnant are appropriate to her. Please help, this is very difficult. She says she's afraid to take an At Home test because of the results. (too soon, will show up false etc..) She told me she was taking Amoxicillin for an ear infection she had, and I have searched the side-effects on Amoxicillin and a missing period is not one of them. Please help!!!!
  10. My girlfriend of two months said she is read to move on. She has told me that "my hands could explore other regions" of her body. But one problem. I don't know when i'd be "over using" it so to speak. I feel comfortable about this...but I just don't want to do it at the wrong time.
  11. Try and find some similar qualities you both like. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Start out simple like "what kind of music do you like?"
  12. Hi. The way I asked my girlfriend out first, was "Hey you want to go out to [ place ] this weekend?" Just be real calm and smooth about it.
  13. Hello! I think you should just ask your girlfriend for an honest response. If she truly loves you, she's give you an honest answer.
  14. I was supposed to have a date with my girlfriend today. She instructed for me to call her cell phone when I woke up, and that her alarm would be set for 7:00 am. After waking up at 7:00, I called her phone at 7:05. I called her cell phone about every 2 minutes until 7:30. After 7:30, her cell phone no longer rang, but went directly into voice mail. After trying her cell a few more times, I then called her house phone. No answer. She hasn't shown to a date once before... But do you think this is intentional? Or could it be she didn't wake up?
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