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ToxiC SweateR

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Everything posted by ToxiC SweateR

  1. Alright so here's the low down. Recently, i've been getting alot closer with the manager of a band i'm in for the last few weeks. We talk and/or see eachother basically daily, and share the very same intrests and likes. She's got a boyfriend who lives in NJ (we live in FL, mind you), and that's alright I guess. We're very much attracted to eachother; she's told me, and i've told her. However, we're both now at a stand still, confused on the long distance relationship at hand. I don't want to interfere with her current relationship or push myself onto her so to speak, but at times she questions the relationship she's in (i.e.; distance issue, physicallity issue, etc). She says that if she wasn't dating him right now, we'd more than likely be dating. What do I do? Do I just forget about this and move on? Do I wait it out?
  2. I received a friction burn (not as bad as yours, but still pretty bad) once. Sucker hurt!
  3. Dear Andy, You have the body of a god. :splat:
  4. Just because he was texting (or doing something that resembled it) doesn't mean he in fact was "hooking up" so to speak. I know that when my ex and I broke up, I thought every text message she got was from a guy trying to bark up her tree! Just don't jump to conclusions. It will all get better.
  5. Take it from another teenager. We all go through this phase. Most likely, something did happen at practice wether he wants to admit that or not. Someone might have gotten to him, and made him think that wasn't wanted or needed. I think the best thing to do in this situation would be what my mom did for me: give him a pep talk. I know what he'll do, he'll moan and groan and more than likely roll his eyes. Don't let this deter you! Juse because we act like we're not listening, doesn't mean we're not.
  6. Yeah but still, even though he USED to text you, doesn't mean he's going to anymore. Sure, he might have said it, but he might not have meant it. I agree with Frisco on this one, this guy is not for you. Focus on the future, forget the past, and forget regret.
  7. Well do you know what he said verbatum? Or are you just assuming?
  8. Fris is right. Don't dwell on the past. Though it's probably hard to get your head around this girl, you should just try and focus on the future. Focus on what's ahead, how happy and successful you'll be. Granted that since you two were together for so long, it's going to take some time and effort to overcome the thoughts of her. And even though you've put all you've got into the relationship, you'll soon realize that you never needed her.
  9. I kind of browsed around the tribute Myspace. To tell you the truth, I didn't really become inspired to talk to her.... Sure, I feel bad for the girl, but I don't think anyone can claim that they know the girl just by reading some text in an "about me" box. Not trying to be rude, I just think it's kind of strange that you want to talk to a girl just because you read something about her. Possible? Maybe. Infatuation? Most likely.
  10. Eventually they'll stop. Try not to focus too much on the past, even if you've been dating for a long time. Focus on the future, focus on happy you'll be. Trust me, they'll stop.
  11. You've got to experiment a little. If this was your first "love", it'll take a little bit to get over it. Believe me, once you accomplish the fact that you can have any person you want, regardless if you're shy or not, then you'll be much happier.
  12. Apparently it was all normal. Full recovery is well on it's way! I'm 110% better than I was when I wrote the first post. Thanks all!
  13. I say just try and get along with her. She might just be sheltering her from you to just piss you off...and you letting her know that it pisses you off makes her job worth it. Give it a try, it could work.
  14. Don't shave so close. My recommendations would be to use the sideburn trimmer on an electric razor. It does a nice job of cleaning up. But, be careful because you can sometimes nick the skin (not pleasent!)
  15. Do you even know the basic specs of this guy? Like last name, birthdate, etc? Or are you just going to invite him over on a hunch that he's a good guy?
  16. Of course, you're definitely getting stitches. The surgery itself isn't that bad, but the ups & downs that follow can be crazy
  17. Well, if you want a relationship with this guy, maybe you could save up for a little bit. I know it's a stretch, being on a tight budget w/ college and all, but if you want to meet him, you'll have to take the steps to do it.
  18. Well it's been about 3 days since i've gotten my wisdom teeth out, and I'm well on the road to recovery. After taking the sedation pill two hours before the surgery (which definitely entertained the nurse and my mom), I was waiting in the chair. Before I could say "extraction!" I was out like a light, and seconds later, awake in a wheelchair, being wheeled to the car. After being on a liquids only diet for the past two days (spaghetti-o's, soups, etc), I decided to see if I could stomach a cheeseburger. Mind you, I wasn't going to CHEW with my molars. I cut very small pieces off of the burger and sort of ground the pieces down with my tongue and the roof of my mouth. Now this brings me to my question. I couldn't help but feel around the back of my mouth with my tongue, taking specific notice of the stitches. Very recently, I feel as if the stitch is coming off, or coming loose. I don't know if in fact it is coming off or coming loose, but my mother said that because the swelling has dramitcally gone down, they're going to feel loose, when they're in fact tight (she was a dental hygenist; i trust her). I've read that these kinds of stitches dissolve within about 7 days, but do they fall out? And if they do, is it bad? -Andy
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