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Everything posted by faraday

  1. Ha, yes! Me too. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. I always feel terrified when I start a new show. Under qualified. Inexperienced. Judged. But once I get through it and I can look back on it...not that difficult at all. It just felt really big because I didn't understand it. You'll be fine It sounds like a great company to work for....and even professionals joke around when they get to know you As for the friend thing....I get it. I feel like many of my friendships have either become way to superficial (nail polish and throw cushions) or way too heavy- like I'm carrying them. I'm starting to venture out...hoping to meet more people like me...that I connect with on an emotional level. I feel like...every 5 years, I change. I become someone else....wiser, hopefully. And I lose friends in that process. Maybe it's like that for you?
  3. I'm being a nerd and rereading "The Time Traveler's Wife" I love Henry and Claire so much....I just hate the end. I always want to stop a few chapters from the end.... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. I'm grateful that I live within line of site of the school...i stand there every morning in heavy winter boots in the snow, with my long winter coat layered over my robe, holding my favourite mug filled with hot coffee, as I watch my little "big" girl, run and stop and zig zag all over the sidewalk with her arms out, peeking back over her shoulder to make sure I'm still watching, as she dances the three blocks to crossing guards. That toothless grin. I love her so much sometimes I feel like I'm going to burst.
  5. It's supposed to snow tonight... I'm glad for gfs I can drink wine in front of the fireplace in pyjamas with. Warm sweaters, knee high leather boots, scarves. Fancy teas. mmmm Creme Brulee. Yoga in my living room. Excel spreadsheets.
  6. clothing off the clothes line. my mothers cooking. that Jay will finally be home in 7 days. kittens curled up on my lap. a random weekend off.
  7. Feeling better today after 3 weeks of flaring and feeling so incredibly tired. It's nice to feel "awake" again. I missed this. Having an awesome business coach that inspires me and helps me achieve my goals. My dad...for talking to me for over an hour yesterday about problem solving. I'm lucky to have someone that "gets" people as well as he does. Chocolate rolo cookies.
  8. I read this book when I was young...and it changed the way I viewed the world. I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to read it I've heard the movie sucks. Too bad. It's such a cool concept. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I can't believe I've never seen this journal. This is the best idea EVER. Right now, I'm terrible for being grateful that my daughter has a cold and had to stay home from daycare. I'm getting little girl cuddles Someone random calling me about a painting they want to buy. link removed....my bf is sad today...he's so homesick and he's has had a. Old for the last 2 weeks...and I just found something perfect to send him....Apple squares. That my daughter still believes in the magical. The tooth fairy came last night....and now she's quizzing me on how she can grow up to become a winter fairy. I love her innocence. For three days of rain. It brought out all the slugs in my garden, and my daughter and I spent a few hours out there collecting them. She said it was "the best fun she's ever had"...which made my day, despite the slugs. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Just read the first few posts....and you have a very captivating writing style. I'll back back to read more. Nice job on the journal...Maybe go back to school for writing?
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