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Everything posted by faraday

  1. How did you get through not being angry? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. It's good to be aware- now that you are, you can work on them...become the kind of partner you're proud to be. Everyone has things to work on. Those that don't...just aren't self aware enough to know what their faults are.
  3. It's probably more to do with her than you. I take it you have big breasts?...and I'm guessing she doesn't? It's probably more to do with her feeling inadequate than her meaning to objectify you. I'm just saying that...so that you can go into that conversation with that idea in mind. She would probably love the attention- so she doesn't understand why you don't. Just my thoughts anyway. It is an awkward conversation...especially since you've kind of mentioned it before. Apparently she's not good with subtle You'll have to be very direct. Good luck
  4. I want to know what you need to bring up with your friend lol. I'm nosy now!
  5. Aww that's an awesome mom When I'm sick or having a crappy day, I want sourdough toast smothered in butter and earl grey tea with honey and milk.
  6. I was picking up something from someone in a group on fb and I was running behind (and didn't have her number) so in the group I posted, "I'm so sorry I'm late, my gps has taken me on an adventure, I'll be there in 5." But it turned "gps" into "GOD". Thanks phone, for making me look like a nutcase.
  7. link removed. I was excited...but then I read this. I have no idea what's true or what's not...but it's made me a little hesitant to pick it up...even though To Kill A Mockingbird was one of those coming of age stories for me. Have you heard much about this? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Haven't read the book, but I loved that movie! Thanks for the reminder, I haven't seen it since it came out...I'm going to watch it again.
  9. The new tapatalk app is bringing up old threads for me but I saw this and I think it's really cool silverbirch. Did you end up making one?
  10. Ahahahahaha I KNOW about this!!! Lol It's a good resolution...but not one that's likely to be kept Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. What an awesome surprise Good husband, he can stay Enjoy your new wheels. Cars make life so much easier.
  12. I guess I didn't answer the value part. Value...is the way that we see ourselves, and the way others view us. I raised my value by loving myself. I didn't...and I wasn't meeting quality men. When I started to love myself (by doing kind things for myself: meditating, eating better, working out, buying pretty clothing and wearing make up...and making myself feel valuable to the community: by volunteering at the food bank, with elderly people, picking up garbage in my neighbourhood on my walks...and by changing the way I did my job- I changed things so that I felt I was adding value to the community through my work) the quality of men I was went way up. Your first post in this thread was kind of snotty sounding (sorry might use your extensive vocabulary as armour against people...to keep them out. Or to seem smarter or cooler...so people will like you. Maybe because you've been knocked down so much in this dating game. Idk, I'm not there...I'm just telling you what I see when I read your posts. I thought you were in your early 20's...not 36 (in my age dating bracket). So....for you, I think you need to be less worried about how people perceive you...and loosen up. Smile more. Raise your value by being fun to be around. Raise your value by humbling yourself...give back to your community. Volunteer. It's ridiculously hot when men volunteer. It shows they are compassionate and selfless...I want to marry someone like that. It's ridiculously hot when a guy isn't trying super hard to impress me. A man who is authentic and comfortable with himself...is hot. I want to get to know the guy who is at ease with himself...because he puts me at ease. I don't have to have fake conversations or silently smile and nod when he says something I have no idea about. I guess what I'm trying to say is...be more superficial in the beginning. Have fun. Smile. Don't try to peer into the depths of a woman's soul within minutes of meeting her. See what kind of beer she likes (not so you can judge her on if she likes micro or macro breweries...although, I confess I judge so that if you like her, you can offer to grab the next drink. Find out if she likes all inclusive trips to Mexico or backpacking through Europe. Pancakes or bacon? Keep it light. (And yes, what iag said) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. It's not just about going out. Going out is not putting yourself out there. It's about making new connections. Talking to new people. And not just "hi", but having a conversation to the point where you introduce yourselves. Talk to your barrista at Starbucks, or the guy behind you in line. Ask the people at the table beside you what they ordered. Walk elderly/blind people accross streets. At music shows, strike up a conversation with the person standing next to you...talk to them about the band or what other shows they're going to see this year. Make friends with everyone. You might not be interested in *that* chick, but you might like her friend. That sweet old lady that you talked to while waiting for a cab...might be your future grand mother in law. That dude at the concert might know your future wife. Putting yourself out there so much bigger than showing up. Showing up...is nothing. Participating...that's where you meet and connect with people. It's not easy. But it's effective.
  14. It's just a matter of putting yourself out there, synerjist. It's as easy or as complicated as you make it. Every single one of my single friends (male and female) that complain about not being able to meet people...don't put themselves out there in a meaningful way. They all think they do...but none of them are going on dates...and I know some attractive, intelligent, successful people. I have been single off and on for the last 6 years. Dating was hard when I expected others to accept me as I was. When I changed...when I decided to become the woman that the man of my dreams was looking for (by changing my attitude, dressing nicer, finding fulfilment in my life through hobbies and volunteering)...I was in demand. I had no problem meeting several different men a week...because I upped my value. Up your value. Or stay the same. And join the others complaining about how hard it is. It's not.
  15. You're right...it's not you. It must be most of the women in the world.
  16. No...you missed my point. I was trying to not be blunt...so here goes...if your not meeting women that want to date you...maybe you need to become more date-able. Figure out what your dream woman would be looking for in a man...and become that man.
  17. So, within your target group of women, are you having much luck getting dates with them?
  18. You realise that you're the common denominator with all those different women, right?
  19. So, you're fine with dating different types of women, but every time you've tried to meet outside your group, every single one of those women has rejected you? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. This thread made me laugh I'm an artist. But other artists don't seem to view me as one because I'm warm, friendly, wear bright colours, and don't feel "misunderstood". Like...I can't be a "real" artist because I don't view myself as different than others. It's pretentious to view yourself as deeper and more emotional than strangers and acquaintances. Very few people wear their heart on their sleeves and get into deep subjects upon meeting someone new....because generally that's seen as over sharing and awkward. Be authentic. Be yourself. Be humble. Learn boundaries. Be open minded...because....isn't that what art is about? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Hope you had an awesome birthday Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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