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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. Find a good way to deal with stress. It's important that whatever you choose is something that will get your mind off of your problems. I jog whenever I feel depressed or stressed on a particular subject. Whatever you choose, make sure it is something fun and helps relax you. I suggest exercise. It helps get the blood pumping and makes you feel good afterwords.

  2. I'm in the same boat. But I've decided to work on it. I'm going to work on my self-esteem and observe other couples to see how they act. It's important that even though you may not have anyone, doesn't mean it's the end of the world. You still have plenty of chances to find someone in life. Socializing is a great way to improve your chances. Don't get depressed. Simply think of ways to improve yourself and be happy with what you have now.

  3. It seems that you want to help yourself, but just can't help but try to make things worse. This is an unhealthy habit and one that will take time to fix. Let's see...do you have any time to truly think things out? It sounds like because of the fact you're overwhelmed with all of this, then it is a good idea to take a break, if you can. If you get kicked out of unversity (Which I'm sure you won't), you can always take community college as a back-up idea. As far as going to work on time, do you use alarm clocks to wake yourself for work or do you have some way to get there quickly? It's important not to overthink things too, as if you do, you can overanalzye the situation. Take what you need to do turn this around, one step at a time. You can do it.

  4. It can be lonely when you first go of to college. See if you can find any friends who are going to the same college and get to konw them. See if they'll be your roommate as that will help you transition better. Don't think that everything will neccesarily be bad. There's a chance you might make friends and enjoy yourself. Don't stress about this and try to think of going to College in a positive light.

  5. As much as it is a need to want love, it is not good to stress about it. What can you do in your life to make yourself happy? I've found the best way to attract people as is to not stress over love, and concentrate on other things in life. That way your best qualities are showing and if someone is interested, than they will approach you. It is important not to think that just because your single, that it's the end of the world. Because it isn't. I suggest continue concentrating on your school work and career, and try to get involved in other things to make you happy. Don't get depressed over this, since that will simply make you feel worse.

  6. Sorry you feel stressed out about this. You shouldn't let the fact the employeer if being lazy and now asking you about your work experience. I suggest just deal with it and email them the required information. I am sure you will have better days and sometimes these kind of days just happen.

  7. I've tried to put past mistakes too in the back of my mind. I can understand that can come back to haunt you, but I've come to realize that the only way they'll stop haunting you is in the face of success. That can always help. Try to find different ways to improve yourself, and perhaps in time it'll help you succeed.

  8. It's really hard for a guy to accept at times just being friends. There was this girl that I liked and that I knew just wanted to be friends. She had stated in class that she doens't date, but nonetheless, just when I was starting to becoming friends, asked her why I didn't. She started to act differently and it seemed would avoid me; perhaps I've ruined the situation, but if I have, then so be it. Feelings of infatuation can seem to last for a long time and when a girl says "let's just be friends", it's a punch in the gut for the guy. In time he might just accept it, but it will take time.

  9. Sadly all you can do is help Brad after this little incident. If your friend wanted to teach him a lesson, than this will be a rather cruel lesson indeed. it's best just to pick up the pieces after it's all over, unless you can somehow talk to him and help him with the big mistake that he is going to do. You said he doens't listen to when you give him advice, but tell him as a friend, you are telling him the truth. Be serious. If he doesn't believe you after that, than it's his problem. Good luck.

  10. I don't think there is enough evidence to prove that men or women have it better. Plus the topic creator started this debate saying that women have a better time getting a chance to have sex...how ridiculously irrelevant! That alone doens't mean that women have it better than men. Anyway, I think that it depends on the person (personality) more than the gender (since so far some people have used stereotypes to prove thier points).

  11. Having a tough childhood really can affect you. It's important that if you want to make your future better, than to not let the past affect your decisions later in life. Do more social activities, read books to improve yourself in social situations and try to learn and observe from others on the "right" way of doing things in social situations. It's important remember that you are a unique individual just like everybody else. You are not alone this and with improvement in yourself, you will be amazed at the friends that you can make.

  12. I've found a good way to get motivated is to stop brainstorm a good plan for the summer and then to stop thinking and do it. Once you get in the habit of doing work, then you can really get motivated. Why don't you try calling up your friends to hang out with them? It's very important to remember that not everyday will be motivational, but even so, if you can get in the habit than you can well most days.

  13. You really like this girl, right? Well perhaps she is just very forgetful. I have a friend who is horrible at remembering things and I have to remind him a lot about events that are going on. If you want to still date this girl, then see if she wants to see something and remind her. Or ask her if she is just bad at remembering things, as there are people out there who just have bad memories. Oh, has there been a date where you two have been alone and it was just you two? No one was with you and you weren't hanging out with a group? It also might be that this girl is afraid to get to close to you so, that's why she's not "remembering" your date plans. Just a thought.

  14. In 5 years I'll be out of College, hoping by that time to be fluent in a language and actually get a job and working! That's about it right now; I just want to get now out on my own and succeed in life, that's what I'm concentrating on now a days.

  15. If your emotions are this strong with your best friends, then perhaps you really are feeling something more for them...or it could be that you need someone to fill your emotoinal needs. Spend time with your friends, but if you notice that your obession grows, then back off, until it cools. When was the last time you were in a relationship? The emotions may derive from that, since you haven't dated someone in a while, your emotions may cling to whomever is closest to you, emotionally speaking. If that's the case, than are you big on dating, at all?

  16. I don't think she was ready to be friends, again. You did NC for a while, and that seems to have helped. She finally came back to you, and told she wanted to be friends, again. You two try it out, but if she pushed you away, I don't think she was ready as she thought she was. If you want to try NC again, that might help, but it's for you to decide. I don't think it's over just yet, since there is still a chance for you two, to be friends, again, I'm sure. Good luck.

  17. Trust me, you won't be attacked here at enotalone.com. I am not bragging nor telling you to stay at this forum, for that is for you to decide. But I have a good response when I post something, people have given good advice and I have rarely seen a flame war in a topic. If one does arise, it's usually taken care of, ASAP. I'm sorry you did not have a good response with your PMing the administrator, but they should have at least given you a reason for banning or responded back with an answer to your message. I hope you have better luck with message boards (abusive ones, too, if you decide to revisit them) in the future.

  18. Do you feel that in your past you left anything unresolved? It could be that. Sometimes, when we want to have a bright future, it always seems that there is something holding us back. I suggest if you have any unresolved issues, than get those resolved, or you may have to forget it and just go on to this new city, despite what has happened in your past.

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