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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. Okay, as far as flirting goes I know now how I am so out of touch with this. Me and my friend were playing Chess at the mall. We didn't expect anything like this to happen either. All of a sudden a girl asks if anyone was sitting there, I say no, expecting her to take the chair for a different table, but she sits down! Then another girl comes up and asks if she can sit. I say sure. Well, she does. Me and my friend both get really embarrassed. Then they invite another girl to join them. I think at this point that is rather amazing. As we continue to play chess, we talk with the girls and I find out that I'm talking more than my friend. Yet due to the game and shyness I don't ask for their names and they ask me and my friend. Then they leave. I don't feel bad about how this scenario turned out, but what is some good advice if this happens again? Me and my friend are going to the mall next Saturday and want to be better prepared.

  2. Yes, it definitely sounds like it. Has she told you she likes you? If she has, than that is another clear indicator. If you've progressively been hanging out more and more, than again I would say she likes you.

  3. I've felt like that at times and have wanted to quit life, but then I realized after thinking awhile that there are ways to make life better and I can't quit now. I suggest keep exploring options and deciding on what you want to do with your life. It sounds like your mom just wants to make sure you have a path in life and don't end up working some dead-end job. And as for connecting with people, you may yet find someone you'll connect with. It's possible.

  4. Since you've found yourself in those situations, than I suggest try to deal with it. When I was in my first year of College, I just wanted to leave, because I felt detached from the world. Yet then I became an RA and made some friends and since felt better about staying. Isn't there anyway, besides the positions you've attained, that would want you to stay where you are right now? Since disappearing won't solve the problem. You would simply be delaying it.

  5. No, you weren't overreacting. It can be mean at times to play a practical joke and as long as you weren't yelling at her when you told her, than she is the one who really has the problem. Talk with her. Find out why this is upsetting her and why should would want to do this prank. It's important to get the facts straight first, before anything is done. I am sure your friendship isn't in total jeopardy. Good luck.

  6. Everyone has there own interests and it should be up to your friends if they want to expand upon those interests, so they can converse with other individuals. I've attempted to do this with one of my friends, but it didn't work and he is still himself. I think it's just best to deal with it as if they want to change they will, and it's bad to force them.

  7. Congrats. It is hard to repel things that you don't want and I can understand that. A few months ago I decided to remain a virgin, until I got married. But I know it won't be easy. The temptation is really hard at times and I wonder at times if I'll make it through it. But I want to keep with this commitment at this age and will continue with it. I know there are other people struggling like you with this decision, and it is best to keep with it. Good luck.

  8. I've found a good way to learn patience is just concentrate your thoughts on other things. If you get too over zealous and want what you want to happen now, than it never will. It's best when waiting for something to think about something else and keep your mind distracted while you wait for what you want to happen, happen.

  9. It takes time. Right now I'm just reading a self-confidence book for now. Really the only way to gain confidence is in experience of different things. There's no 100% remedy. I suggest have patience first, and some different ways to gain confidence: attend a class, read a self-help book, or a new experience may help.

  10. Interesting post. You make it in a poetic voice, saying that people at times say they want to help, but when someone get can really depressed and clingy, that they don't want to anymore. The person can become a burden and while the healthy person is trying to get a hold on thier life, they can only do so much for the depressed person. While we try at times to maintain our own lives, perhaps that is easier to a certain degree, but we must also remember there are others too who sometimes need our help.

  11. If you get a chance to invite her to a dance or some other event, like a concert, then talk with her. See if you can notice anymore signs, or if you have enough courage, just ask her if she likes you. Good luck.

  12. It seems that you're afraid becuase something bad could happen...you don't want to deal with change and because of this, you panic and then don't know what to do. I suggest first, don't overeat and don't drink. These are not good ways to cope with this problem. Second, try to relax and just have funf or the time being. You're still relatively young and shouldn't worry too much about commitment. If you do get involved in a relationship, than tell the person you're dating that you don't want to commit. If this is that big of a problem for you, than try to figure out why it is. Do you want a serious relationship or do you feel that you have to have one, if you are in a relationship?

  13. If you want to continue with this dream of moving to the U.S. and becoming famous, than you will have to work hard. What are your talents? Whatever your gifted at, aim at becoming famous in that area; but just beware of all the bad things that come with fame.

  14. Is there anywhere you can go to meet people? If you don't have friends yet, than you can still make plenty of them! Maybe go to a club or do an activity that you like. Summer doesn't have to end bad, and you can always think of different places to go meet friends. Good luck.

  15. Just because your somebody or famous, doens't mean that will solve all your problems. It's important to realize that with fame, comes money, but with that money you have the press and everyone knows you. That can be very frusterating, especially at a young age. If you don't want to end up like your parents, then study for a good education. That would help you so much more than worrying about being famous; that won't neccesarily save you, since it could make things worse.

  16. Does he feel overwhelmed whenever he does a project? Sometimes someone can feel stressed out, because the project can seen daunting. I suggest work on steps. When he completes a small portion at a time, he will finish it I am sure. What about listening to music? Would that help him concentrate whenever he starts a project? It's important that when he starts his projects, not to worry about neccesarily finishing them, but just working on them, until they just happen to be done.

  17. You can get over it. As you posted, you need to understand the world isn't as bad as you think. It can be very exciting and truly wonderful. If it is a big problem though, than it would be best to see a proffesional. I suggest before that though, try to do little things, first. Sum up the courage to randomly at times talk to people. I've found that helps, as you get comfortable eventually talking with and simply saying 'hi', to random strangers. From there try to build up from that and continue to talk to people. It will take time though, and through effort you can get over this.

  18. I suggest theraphy, as BeyondtheSea suggested. It's important that you try not to think so negative. Don't be afraid or hate who you are. We all have something unique about ourselves. I suggest this: go on a personal journey to discover who you are. Don't worry about if someone doesn't accept you. That's their problem. Everyone is different. So, don't be afraid of who you truly are.

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