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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. I'm having a tough time right trying to push myself forward. I want to be a good RA/student. But I'm finding it increassingly difficult whenever I think about love. I don't want that right now. My goal in life is to improve myself these next two years. I've already got materials on studying abroad in Japan next year. Yet no matter I get so damn depressed anytime it's mentioned. How can I push myself when the pain of it all comes rushing back? Is it even worth it when it comes? I don't know right now, I'm just so damn frusterated. It sucks.

  2. I'm tired. I've been working as an RA for about two weeks now and prettty soon at about 8 am there will be close to 1200 Freshman moving in. But that isn't worrying me. It's this damn love. It feels like so many people have found it or have had sex and I am out of the loop. I'm pretty sure I should just quit this whining as there are many people who haven't had it...but that's them. This is me. I'm just tired of always trying to become stronger and yet this damn weakness keeps getting in my way. No matter how hard I work, it always comes back...WHY?? It's not fair! I shouldn't be feeling this. I've always wanted to be me and become stronger. I know have a great opportunity and am definitely going to work hard as an RA, but no matter what, I will always be haunted by this feeling...I hate it.

  3. I'd ask her. The worst she can do is reject you and you're friendship I am sure won't end just because you considered the possiblity of boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. It's important though to think this through and make sure this is what you want to do.

  4. I've found good ways to get over something that your panicing over, is to calm yourself. Listen to nice music and think of something else. It is important to get your mind off of the subject you are having anxiety over and to think of something soothing/positive. As long as you can do that long enough, the worry might die down.

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  5. It's not you. This guy is just really nervous around you. He definitely likes you and if you want anything to happen, than you'll have to approach him about this. Do you feel bad about asking if he wants to go out on a date? That maybe the only way to get any response out of him. He doens't mean to be rude to you, but is just nervous about saying the wrong thing. So, I suggest approach him first and ask him out...because there is a good chance, he won't do it...he's just too nervous.

  6. We all find ourselves at a crossroad. We wonder if we shall ever find it and if we should give up hope forever. But you shouldn't. You can't see the future and that's a good thing. You never know what will happen in life and it could still happen. You're alive, aren't you? Then there is still a chance. Just take a break right now, but please, don't give up.

  7. Just keep getting to know her more and maybe if you don't mind doing this, you could always ask her ex, when enough time has passed. It's your choice if you want to go that route or not. But as time passes and she gets ove her ex, see if you can note any behavioral differences in her personality towards you. See if you is still full on about many things.

  8. He's obviousely very shy around you. This is a good indication that he really likes you, but is to embarrassed to say anything to you. He might feel afraid that if he says anything stupid, you'll dislike him, so he keeps quite and the conversation to a mininal to avoid such catastrophies as he sees it. That's what I'm observing from what you've said so far. You made a good approach in attempting to talk more, but it might take some more prodding for him to say anything else.

  9. It can seem that many times in our life that we are truly lost, but you don't have to be. You have here, and I am sure there are many people online who will listen. As you said, you have time to think about your future so do that. And everyone is different, so those people whose opinion's say you are ugly, and unintelligent are horribly wrong. They have no factual or correct basis for their blatant assumptions. You are a good person. We all are. It's important not to worry about the small things. Go out and socialize and do things that you want to do. Make what time you have now to good use. It's important not to get depressed about these things, as the future can still be bright.

  10. 1) I am proud to be human.


    2) I am proud that I am a nice person and that it shines through all of my qualities about myself


    3) I am proud I have never commited a very immoral thing (killing, raping, etc.)


    4) I am proud my parents and friends care about me.


    5) I am proud I am preparing for the future.


    6) I am proud, simply to exist.

  11. Then leave. If this is driving you crazy, and your mom is perfectly capable if living by herself, than get out of there. Although it is smart as you're doing to transition yourself. But you need this growth more than ever. If you feel that you can never permanently live somewhere, than hopefully this will make better of that.

  12. What are the consequences if you not taking this risk? It provides with a step up in life and a good oppurtunity to do something with it. Do you really regret not being able to leave home and join your friends? If is something you really want to do, than go for it. If worse comes to worse, you could always do community for at least 2 years and get an associates degree in something and do something with that.

  13. You have every right to be angry. If your roommate is so concerned with all this stuff, than she alone should have helped pack everything up and did all this work that you have had to do. Tell your roommate that she needs to pull her weight in the matter that your in right now. If not, than I suggest go somewhere else, without her, since she is being rather snotty because of the whole thing.

  14. Is your mom completely helpless in her home? Is it a must, as far as physical needs are concerned, not emotional, that you need to be there? As you stated your mom doens't have that many friends, so I am sure she does get lonely at times. But you're not even 30 yet, and you feel you must stay home. I can understand cultural reasons, but you also have to think about yourself. Could you live with yourself if you decided to stay home with your mother? You've lived in that house for over 20 years...isn't it about time you started what you wanted to do? I am sure your mother would get over it, once the pain is all gone.

  15. If you're serious about forming a relatioship, than tell this girl. Make sure she knows that you want to be serious, and if she agrees, that means that you have to make sure as heloladies21 that boundries are set. It's important she knows this isn't just some frienship thing and that she can make other plans and flake out on you, but that is something that is beyond that. Good luck!

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