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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. You shouldn't blame yourself. You were only 12 and it can be hard at such a young age to grasp the seriousness of different things. You didn't know have the knowledge at that point in your life, to realize it. Granted you do now, but there isn't much you can do at this point, is there? I suggest at least have hope, that your friend found a way to deal with being bi-sexual.

  2. At this stage, it was juts infatuation. Nothing more. You really did want to get a chance to get to know this girl, and you didn't get it. So that is where the frusteration lies. But you'll move on. Eventually the infatuation will "fizzle".

  3. I do indeed. I had a chance in my last year of high school to actually date some girls interested in me. But I had no success last year, I decided to quit for a while. Then 3 good oppurtunities present themselves, and I didn't do anything. Now it's been a 1 1/2 since that has happened and I'm regretting deciding I wanted to be single in college. I have lots of friends now and family who care for me, but it still doesn't feel enough. I know how you feel. The loneliness can really get to you.

  4. I know how you feel. When I was a kid, I was made fun of, picked last on the team and developed an inferiority complex. I'm still trying to heal. High School was actually good as it allowed me to make a fresh start. Yet even in College, I still find it hard to at times to really allow myself to be "connected" with people. I've developed friends and even my old "enemies" have become friends, but these weird thoughts still creep into my mind that things aren't settled as I wish them to be. All I can say is that it takes time for these things to settle. I'm getting there, but even after 6 yrs, it still feels I have a ways to go. Hang in there.

  5. You can still have a good loving relationship with a girl, but so what if your Penis is small? Hell, it is not the end of the world. Where you abused as a child? Were you raped? These are serious things that can affect your life and I can see why they would ruin your outlook in life. But simply due to shyness and your physical appearance, is no means an end. You can overcome these with time. You are only 18 as you stated, and can easiliy overcome obstacles if you truly try. Have you though of seeing a counselor? I think they would maybe be able to help you with your problem. But don't let fear ruin your life as it has a little now. It's not worth it.

  6. Okay, first. The girl who you like. A good way to tell someone likes you is by body language. They may stare or get nervous around you. It may not seem obvious, but once you notice the signs, it can become pretty obvious. As for the girls that like you now, I think the best way to deal with that, is if they ask you, just politely turn them down. Don't be rude, and be honest witht them, if you just want to be friends. It may hurt them at first, but they'll heal in time.

  7. I've been thinking about this a lot. Possibly during my second semester of College, going to randomly sitting down with girls and just talking with them. I've seen many girls sitting be themselves, with no one really around them. Would this be a good way to at least get over my shyness of girls? And then when I do decide to date, I wouldn't be so nervous to ask a random girl out.

  8. I wonder, too. If my life is meant to be single all my life. I have no luck in attracting girls I actually like, and am still so unaware or no how to approach a girl. I wonder if it is too late at times to fall in love. Then, would it be so bad to be alone? I don't think so. It would be sad, but sometimes we can learn to cope with being alone. We have to.

  9. If it is this bad, and you have already talked with the RA, then how about switching rooms with someone? I know you say you don't want to pay so much, but I don't think that costs too much. I'm an RA, so I can understand if you can't get along with your roommate. This is the only option I can see, if the contract isn't working. Have you thought about making an apppoitment and talk with the ACD (Area Complex Director)? He may be able to help.

  10. We all face fears in life and have to conquer our demons within. I understand a little where your coming from. I've never been fully depressed, but have always been on the brink of it at times. I too have become at times a solitary creature never trusting anyone or letting anyone get close. But it can be cured. Time can heal your wounds, if you allow it with trying. That is what your doing. That's good. Keep it up!

  11. The worst thing that can happen is you realize you have feelings for someone before it's too late. I suppose my best advice is to see if this will subside and eventually they might break up and you would have a chance. But if you don't wish to wait (not many would) then I suggest maybe look for someone else you might have an interest in or try to get over this girl somehow. It's your choice.

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