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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. It can be hard to transition from friendship to a relationship. Here's my advice: Take it slowly. You don't want to rush into a relationship, as this can also damage your friendship you once had...also make sure that if you do ask this girl out, how it will effect your friendship, if you break up with her, then at the very least, I would suggest try to stay friends with her...because it sucks to lose a friend..

  2. It sounds like a hard situation to be in...but you'll get through it. If you truly do love this girl, despite her age, then I'm sure you'll find a way to give the purse to her. Also, one day you'll be able to be with her, without any worries in the world. I'm sure of it! Good luck!

  3. The next time you talk to him, just talk! Don't worry about the consequences, and since he's human too, he will probably be thinking the same thing...just follow your feelings, and talk! Being shy once held me back too...but once I stopped worrying about if a girl would like me or not, and started talking, I wasn't shy any more...

  4. I suggest, maybe talk to her every day on the phone, a chat room, send letters, or anything else just to be able to talke to her everyday. A long distance relationship can work, as long as you have the tools you need...so really I'm sure in time, you'll be be able to meet her in person again, and be with each other! Hope that helps!

  5. It can be hard to lose the one you love, especially after you've been with them for so long...but I am sure you will have other moments of great happiness! Cheer up! Life can only get better now, right? As long as he is still in your heart, and you care for him, then you'll be able to love him...and you'll be able to move on...and if you ever need too...I suggest refelct on the good times you had...because at least you had happiness with him...and least for a little while...and some happiness, is better than, no happiness at all.

  6. Heh, talk about 'killing two birds with one stone!' LOL. Anyway, I suggest approach her, and since you know that she likes you, talk to her, and ask her if she wants to go out...the best way to tell someone you like them, or ask them a personal question, is be direct.

  7. IF you truly do love her, then I suggest track her down. I made the same mistake. I liked this girl, when I was younger, and I finally tracked her down. Well I saw her, and found out she had a boyfriend. I talked to her though, and saw that any interest she had back then, didn't exist anymore. So, if you like her, go for it!

  8. The first kiss of a relationship can be difficult, and the most exciting! Well to tell your boyfriend your ready is:


    A. Be direct. Just ask him: Do you want to kiss me? IF he says so, then kiss!


    B. Just do it! When your alone, simply kiss him by surprise! He'll never know...




    C. Maybe as you talk to him, move a little closer, when talking. Hopefully he'll catch on, and you'll kiss.


    Anyway, a good way to get over the shyness, is not to worry about the outcome. I suggest just kiss him! Anyway, I hope this helps!

  9. well, basically i from what ive said, do you all think she likes me?....

    It sounds to me that she likes you a little, but it's hard to tell.


    what else can i do to see if she likes me? (like some kind of test)?...

    I would maybe try to talk to her more in a friendly way, to see if she's interested in you.


    what kind of conversation should i start with her to impress her and maybe let her know i like her in a subtle way so that she thinks i didn't let her know on purpose? (if that made sense)

    Hmm...well maybe say that you like in her in a joking way, just to let her know you like her, that's the best way I can think of not to do it on purpose.


    when should i do something and what should i do?

    I'd wait a little longer, but definetly do it before school ends.

    how can i overcome my extreme shyness and TALK TO HER?

    Just muster up all our courage and talk to her more. It sounds like you've already started that, so just keep it up.

    how can i get a meaningful conversation going and keep her interested without freaking her out?

    Maybe talk about the weather, politics, various issues, etc.


    Well....hope that helps!

  10. I have the same problem! I'm 18 and I've never had a girlfriend or been kissed...it does bum be out at times too...and as much as I would like a girlfriend...I also don't want some random girl...I too want someone I can get along with...so far though in my life, I have yet to be approached by any girl...but I figure I'm still relatively young, and I'm sure I'll find love somewhere down the road...don't give up!

  11. If you talked for a good time, and 40 minutes is good, it sounds that she is interested in you. I would suggest talking to her and maybe getting to know her more. I suggest to take things slow, maybe find out she has a boyfriend in simple casual conversation...anyway hope this helps! Good luck!

  12. Okay, if your shy then I know it can be tough...I do the same thing with some girls I like at times. Really, when you approach a girl to ask her out...keep eye contact, and smile. Also, think of the outcomes before you ask this girl out...two things could happen:

    A. She rejects you

    B. She accepts your offer


    If A, happens, then no big deal..there are still 'plenty of fish in the sea', and also it's not the end of the world...anyway, you should try to have confidence in yourself, and try not to get bummed out if she rejects you...simply move on...hope that helps?

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