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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. I too wander where all the good woman are at. I myself am a nice guy and I'm not perverted. Yet I notice around my high school it seems that so many girls are 'shallow' and all they want is a cute guy. I'm definetly not cute. I know all girls aren't like this...thank god...but I too wonder where all the good girls have gone...hmmm...

  2. It sounds that she doesn't love you anymore, and I know that you deeply care for her, but I would let her go; Sometimes in life you have to do things you normally do not want to do...she has moved on it seems, and you also need to. Let her be with the man she loves now, because if you take this road it could bring you misery and pain...but if this is the path you have chosen...good luck. 8)

  3. Really you should just be yourself and simply talk to a girl that you are interested in. I would suggest maybe just say 'hi' and 'how are you?'. That can be a good starter and as for keeping the conversation going, maybe comment on something, or think of a good topic that she is interested in. If you do meet a girl you like, simply follow your heart in your choice of words and good luck!

  4. She likes you so it would definetly be okay to ask her out anytime you want, but also keep in mind that she has a few things you take care of, so I would wait, and then at the proper time to ask her out. Yet you are the judge of the proper time so it is your call...anyway good luck!

  5. I would wait a little longer before telling her you like her. If you do, a love triangle could form and that can make things more complicated than they should be. Anyway I would wait until she breaks up with him, or if you truly do like her a lot, then tell her. You should follow your heart and I wish you the best of luck!

  6. It sounds from your post that the both of you definetly like each other, and it really does sound like your falling in love...just like out of a romance novel. Anyway the next you talk to her, I would be yourself and just enjoy the time you have with her. It is precious, and you should always remember that. I wish you luck and hope that your next meeting with her is even more magical!

  7. I would definetly approach her and ask her out on a date...I mean what is the worst that could happen? I am sure there is always the possiblity of rejection, but you will move on in time if this happens. I am also sure that there is no way this would ruin your friendship with her. Good luck!

  8. She has defintely had some reaciton from the letter...she is still talking to you, so obviosuly it does not mean that she hates you. I would just continue on with things and soon or later I am sure she'll discuss the letter with you. Do not worry...everything will turn out good in the end. Good luck!

  9. I was the same way. It was all through my Junior Year of High School that I would like someone new it seemed every week and I would always have dreams of me actually having a relationship with one of my dream girls. I would always try to dream out possible outcomes to asking them out. All of them pretty much rejected me in the end. Yet I am still alive and I have moved on. I would say it is a way to defend yourself from rejection and once I stopped worrying about rejection, or if your in a relationship do not worry about so much about the future. You should enjoy your relationship and gradually talk with your partner after a proper time where things are going. If you dream of the future now and it does not turn out as you planned, then you will just get depressed. Anyway I hope this rambling helped you. Good luck in life!

  10. I would just to get know her interests more, and be very friendly. I would take things slow, and be yourself and just think of her as a friend. Then just casually ask her for her phone number, and anything else you need to keep in contact with her. Good luck!

  11. She likes you. a lot. It seems that she gets embarrassed around you, and blushes too. Also if she admitted that she likes you through a friend, then that also answers your question. I would definetly talk to her more, and maybe if you wanted too, ask her out on a date or something. Good luck!

  12. AAh the dreaded love triangle...it sucks. Anyway it sounds that this guy reallyd does like you, but since he also likes this one girl, and he's waited for her, it also sounds that he likes her too..hmm...I would personally try to move on...it sounds now that your the 'odd man out', and it can be hard to get the person you like, if they like someone else. Yet if you truly like him, go after him! Good luck!

  13. I would try just to remain friends with her. It can be hard to let the one you truly love go...but in life there are decisions that can be hard for you alone to make. So, if you truly do love her...let her go. You've told her before, and it seems that she just thinks of you as a friend, and still is. Whatever you decide though, follow your heart. Good luck!

  14. It seems now that you are definetly good friends. I would help her through her relationship that has just ended. These kind of things really do take time. I am sure maybe she will see your kindess towards her, and maybe like you again. Good luck!

  15. I know how it sucks at times, to be the nice guy and never truly get a girlfriend. I am going through the same thing. Yet I would rather be nice to woman, and at least have a friend. I would hate to be some jerk who only uses woman for sex. That is wrong. It does hurt to have woman come to you for advice, but that is all it seems. So don't fret...your not alone.

  16. I would take it nice and slow. In time when you get to know him more, tell him you like him, give hints or something for him to know. Don't rush things and in time you'll be able to ask him out on a date. Good luck!

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