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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. Really I would suggest simply just going up to her and talking to her. You've already been introduced so the next thing is to find out what she is interested in. I guess without saying too much, maybe just ask her a simple question about anything and take it from there. If you need any more help you can just PM me. Good luck!

  2. I don't mind it at all. I mean woman are just like guys as they have interests too and deal with problems in life...I think it's pretty cool at times just to simple talk to girls as that I way I could a better idea how other members of the opposite sex are...there not that much different at all...

  3. I do think that Shonda likes you, from what you've told me. I would simply go into work tomorrow and casually ask if her if she wants to go out on a date sometime. Two things:


    1. Don't Panic

    2. Don't be Shy


    If you don't do any of that, you should do fine. Good luck in whatever you decide to do!

  4. Yah, I did the same thing with a girl I liked. I knew her for only 3 weeks and it seemed that she liked me...but I was horribly wrong, and she thought I was weird. Well 3 months passed and I had her in one of my classes. So I just try to be friends with her, and so far everything is back to normal. I would try to be friends with him again, and make sure everything is okay. Then I would simply tell him your feelings for him. Good luck in whatever you decide!

  5. 1.) I believe it is one of the most powerful emotions next to anger.


    2.) The person for whom I have loved, I would have died for them.


    3.) Besides kindess, out of friendship, that is the only love I have received.


    4.) I know about how to handle relationships, and I am sure others to do. It all depends on the person.

  6. I would start off maybe by saying: "look I know you just broke up with your boyfriend, but I like you, and if you want to go out on a date sometime, just call me." Or something like that. Let her know your interested in her, but give her time to heal....anyway good luck on whatever you decide!

  7. When you talk to her, just don't worry about making a fool of yourself, and you won't. You're just in a bad state of mind...but once you get to know her more, and as time passes, I'm sure if you decide to ask her out later, she'll say yes! All in good time...good luck!

  8. I would go up and simply talk to her. If she is good looking in your eyes, then compliment her on her looks, or think of something to be able to start a conversation. Whatever you choose...good luck!

  9. ...I've told this friend I've know for a year, and that I've gotten to know really well...about 2 days ago I told her my feelings for her...she was surprised, but that's all it seemed...well I saw her in class today and she didn't even mention it once...I'll see her in 2 days ago, but not sure if I should give her more time to think...or if I alreayd know the answer...that she has and is just thinking of me as a friend...your thoughts? Any help would be appreciated...thanks in advance!

  10. I wouldn't worry about what you say around your boyfriend. I know it can be hard to get over shyness, but it's not impossible. Just be yourself and try to talk to him more and more. I am sure in time you'll get over your shyness. All you need is hope! Good luck!

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