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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. It sounds from your online conversations that she feels the same way...but maybe simply be direct ask this: Do you have feelings for me? Or if you want to say something else...maybe compliment her and see how she reacts. Also, note any body signs that you see...hope that helps! Good luck!

  2. I would find out what they are interested in and go for there...or maybe simply see how they are, and ask about the weather. You could also maybe comment them on how they look. But, as everyone else has said, simply be yourself!

  3. No, don't do that! Life is worth living! You only have once chance on this world, and you should live life to the fullest! Once your gone, that's it! What will you do? There is always happiness in life to be found, and I know you will find it! Don't give up! Please don't kill yourself...please...

  4. You can go ahead and rant some more of you want. No one is going to stop you. I just hope you do find the happiness you want, and hope you find the time you want to be alone. Your not alone, I too have felt this pain, and I know you'll find a way to fight it...good luck!

  5. Hey your not alone. I'm 18 and I've never had a girlfriend, and never been kissed. But you don't have to be alone. I am sure you will find a boyfriend, and I know you will. As long as you have hope, and not worry about it, you'll find him. Good luck!

  6. I would tell him your feelings for him. You may not have the same interests, but opposites attract right? He maybe busy, but if your someone he likes and he doesn't neccesarily like people often, it seems he likes you definetly as a friend, and possibly more. I would tell him in the most sincere way. Good luck with whatever you decide!

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