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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. Try to brighten her up more, so she doesn't get so down on her traumitization. You're being there, I'm sure helps her a lot. You're both going through hard times, but you're there for each other. That's the important thing. You can do it. We all have the strength to do things, but we never realize it. Continue to help her, because it's the right thing to do. Good luck!

  2. If you want to be subtle, then maybe flirt with him more. Joke with him, or use eye contact to show him you like him. It does sound like like he's interested by joking with you and being rather nice. I hope it all works out! Good luck!

  3. It all depends on the person, but I would hang out with her just like any oher friend, and if it seem like your hanging out with her too much, maybe slow down not to annoy her. Yet, if you really like her, then spend time with her. Let her get to know that you care! Who knows, maybe she'll realize she likes you too! Good luck!

  4. It's always hurt me, whenever a girl doesn't like or simply rejects me...but I make it a promise, to at the least be friends with her...well I'm still friends with a lot of girls who I have liked and who have rejected me...it would be far worse to lose the girl I like forever and never see her again, rather then lose her and at least be friends with her.

  5. Well, it might be that she just wanted a fling...I don't think it's because your a virgin...plus she lost her virginity at only 15? Dang. Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it too much...perhaps she does still have feelings for you, but isn't, as she said, ready for a serious relationship. Maybe in time she will...but I would just at least be friends with her and see how things turn out...good luck!

  6. I'm 18 and I've never had a girlfriend. It can be a hard feeling wondering if you'll ever find love, or mourning that no one else has shown any interest in you. Yet you should like yourself first and be confident. So love hasn't found you yet...don't worry. You're never too old to find love. Don't give up...good luck!

  7. Well for the past few months, I've been friends with this girl I've known. I first liked her, and started trying to get close to her...well after a while I knew I was being too pushy, and so decided to break off...I knew also she wasn't interested...we'll we continued being friends and a few months later, I realized I've fallen in love with her...yet I don't mind. We're still friends, and not the best of friends..yet it doesn't bug me, if she likes someone else, doesn't like me, or is possibly dating someone. If I do tell her, I want it to be because I know she has feelings for me...if she doesn't...oh well...I don't mind...

  8. Life sucks...I've learned that the hard way...there have been many times, where I want to give up on love...yet I know I can't. Where only in this world a short time...and if I give up now...I'll never know if I could have succeeded. So one day I decided to change my life...now I have my life finally on track, and I know I'll find love...plus, the people I used to like, I simply glad that I'm friends with them now...I know it's rough at times, to see people you don't want too...but unfortuanetly life isn't always fair...you can cry in a corner if you want too...but what will that solve? Face your akwardness...and accept it. Good luck!

  9. Personally, I see where your coming from. I'm found that, as the times where I have not wanted someone, I rely more on myself and I find the strength to endure, when I was searching, could not. It does seem that woman want you, when you don't want them though...weird. In all of reality, we all could be alone, and never find anyone, out of choice...but that is not how life goes at times...strange...

  10. I know it can be hard...I just went through the same thing, I really liked one of my friends, but I knew that she didn't like me...so I knew it was time to move on...that's really the only option I see now...but, if you have too...tell him. Whatever you decide, good luck!

  11. I know it can be hard to get someone out of your head, but just remember your boyfriend, and keep yourself distracted to get over your crush. Right now, I'm trying to forget a girl, whom I love, but I know has no interest in me what so ever, but I'm being strong...I know I can do it! You can too! You have to...you must! Good luck!

  12. I had the same problem...I knew a girl, and we became friends...and eventually I fell in love with her. It was hard to forget her, but as long as you don't think about it, you'll get over it. Get yourself distracted and find something to do! Just anyway to get your mind of off it...and this way you'll be able to remain friends and not worry about telling her. Good luck!

  13. Well I'm falling in love with this girl I've know for 7 months...were friends, and she has some of the same interest I do. She talks to me, and knows I exist...yet I know that from her body language and our conversations that she just thinks of me as a friend...the worst part, is I can't tell her how I feel, but I want to...and it's killing me...any suggestions?

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